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Posts posted by Unlucky

  1. Hi,

    I just upgraded and have no markers.

    I ran the recache and got this error.

    Warning: file_put_contents(/usr/www/virtual/xxxxxxxx/www.websitename.co.uk/forums/cache/mmap/members-1.json) [function.file-put-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/www/virtual/xxxxxxxx/www.websitename.co.uk/forums/admin/applications_addon/other/membermap/sources/classes/mapLib.php on line 215

  2. Promotion does infact seam to be working.
    - All i need now is just to be able to change where recently validated members go...?

    [sorry to not be posting in the client area btw, our site owner is currently awol as second in command im picking to the pieces but dont have access to the client area]



    This is exactly what I am trying to do now with one of my forums - what is the solution?


  3. Hi,

    I have deleted that code while waiting to hear if we can get a fix for the friends bit.

    The show friends button is still visible so where would we need to disable / delete that one.


  4. Sorry, missed that!

    It's the 'show friends' functionality, you can disable it by finding:

    in (admin/applications_addon/other/membermap/modules_public/membermap/map.php)

          if( $friends )
           $this->registry->output->setTitle( IPSLib::getAppTitle('membermap') .' - '. $this->lang->words['yourFriends']);
           $this->registry->output->addNavigation( $this->lang->words['yourFriends']);
           $query['add_join'][] = array('select' => 'pf.friends_id',
                  'from'   => array( 'profile_friends' => 'pf' ),
                  'where'  => "pf.friends_friend_id=m.member_id",
                  'type'   => 'left');
           $query['where'] = " (pf.friends_member_id={$this->memberData['member_id']} AND pf.friends_approved = 1) OR m.member_id = {$this->memberData['member_id']}";
           $query['group'] = 'm.member_id';

    and deleting it.


    OK many thanks will do that but just quickly as the show friends option would be handy for my community, is there any fix for the issue we could try first?

    Many thanks for your help.

  5. Hi,

    I am running IP.Board Member Map v1.0.9 on IP.Board 3.3.4

    When I click the show friends button the system hangs

    I have this error reported in the mysql slow query log

    # Time: 130501 7:57:59
    # User@Host: xxxxxxuser[xxxxxuser] @ localhost []
    # Query_time: 207.757223 Lock_time: 0.000145 Rows_sent: 22 Rows_examined: 125913583
    SET timestamp=1367409479;
    SELECT mm.*,m.member_id, m.members_display_name, m.members_seo_name,pf.friends_id FROM ibf_member_map mm LEFT JOIN ibf_members m ON ( m.member_id=mm.member_id )
    LEFT JOIN ibf_profile_friends pf ON ( pf.friends_friend_id=m.member_id ) WHERE (pf.friends_member_id=1 AND pf.friends_approved = 1) OR m.member_id = 1 GROUP BY m.member_id;

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