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Dave Baker

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Posts posted by Dave Baker

  1. I have managed to gum up the -TESTINSTALL version of my license. In my Client Area I see that the license for my production installation points to the correct URL but that the -TESTINSTALL license points to the exact same URL. My bad.

    I would be very grateful if Invision would clear that -TESTINSTALL record. Then, when I upload a test installation onto my development server -- i.e., a copy of the files from my production server as to which I can run a manual upgrade to be sure it will work -- I'll try to remember to first edit the config_globals.php file so that it refers to the domain/subdomain of the development server (and so that the test installation will tell Invision to record the -TESTINSTALL license as being at the domain/subdomain of the development server), and remember to install a DNS record so that the development server is reachable at that domain/subdomain.

  2. I love the Forums software. I have used it for decades. The price is a bargain.

    But please let me be so bold as to say that the number of bugs introduced with each new version is almost unacceptable. Look at all the poor operators of boards who have substantial issues with the latest version who post in this forum with crisis situations that have brought down their income stream, caused great consternation among their users (who are community members often very invested in the forums through their time or money), or both.

    Does development of the Forum include the running of a formal series of tests during the development process, using Selenium or a similar product? I'm talking about a suite of hundreds of tests that would check almost all aspects of the functionality of the Forums, which potentially are affected by software changes.

    Could the software include a diagnostic tool for operators that would flag potential vulnerabilities in their plug-ins or in their themes, which they could run before an upgrade? Not just a check of PHP version, etc., but something that would assess the customer's particular set of installed hooks and themes. It couldn't check for every potential problem, of course, but it could flag the characteristics of the hooks or themes that would be likely to cause problems with future upgrades, by testing them against some kind of "interface" standards that the Forum hook/theme developers should follow and that the Invision developers would follow. Maybe this is being done to a degree already, but if so then I submit it needs to be amped up in a major way.

    Again, I love this product.

  3. 6 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

    Thanks for your suggestion.

    You have an explanation in Study mode. There’s no score there so you can take hours reading explanations.

    For Graded mode what matters is the Score vs Time and every step is a question/answers. It makes no sense and would require a TOTAL rewrite of “play” mode and you have no idea hoe PITA it is.  Due to that, it won’t happen.I guess I already told you this a few posts back.

    So do the PITA work. You are THAT close to having a killer learning management system for which you probably can charge a whole heck of a lot more money than the practically free fee you're currently charging. I think the request is the single most important feature request I've seen in 42 pages here. Not trying to be a smart-ass, but wanting to get this point across loud and clear.

    How much money do you need to do it? Let me know.

  4. Thank you for the quick reply!

    You might want to think about making hypertext links available in an answer, because it would turn the Quiz app into a damned fine online learning application. Without the ability to point the user to more information about an answer, it's more like a one-time game. But if the quiz owner could point the user to particular pages on the quiz owner's web site (or some other web page that elaborates on a particular chosen answer), I believe it would be much more attractive to potential buyers.

    Also, my web site is primarily a news aggregator. Each day it shows headlines (with hypertext links) to about a dozen news articles from various sources on the web. I would want to quiz the reader on whether he or she already knows the answer to a question about a particular news item. If they take the quiz and then are told they gave the wrong answer, they would have a reason to want to click through to see the news article for details.

    A question might be "According to the U.S. Department of Treasury's news release this morning, what is the size of the U.S. national debt?"

    Answer A (a radio button). $6 trillion.
    No, the national debt is $24 trillion, as described in the news release [hypertext link to the news release]

    Answer B (a radio button). $42 trillion.
    No, the national debt is $24 trillion, as described in the news release [hypertext link to the news release]

    Answer C (a radio button). Yes! The national debt is $24 trillion, as described in the news release. [hypertext link to the news release]

  5. Pre-sales question:

    Can the owner of the quiz create an answer that includes a hypertext link? Example:

    Answer: "No, meerkats are mammals, not reptiles. See wikipedia."

    Thank you very much.

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