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Posts posted by jwdenzel

  1. Oh yeah, sure.  So...

    Here's the iCalendar entry for that event. 

    DESCRIPTION:Born 1948
    SUMMARY:Robert Jordan's birthday

    This is only one example. Like I said above, if you compare the iCalendar file from Google and the one from IPS, there's about 1,100 line of text difference. 


  2. 12 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    Are there any dates which are in the future (or have a repeating occurrence in the future) from when you imported it that did not import?

    Yes, most of them. The calendar I linked to above is designed to be a historical, "on this day in history" type calendar for our community. If you look at the source feed, it's full of many events that repeat annually.  The vast majority of them are not importing. Only a couple of them are there. Follow the links and you'll be able to see for yourself.

    Thanks for the reply!

  3. I have the same issue. Came here to report the same problem. 

    • I created a Google Calendar. Made it public. Grabbed the iCalendar URL
    • Verified permissions on the calendar and events (all set to 'Public')
    • Provided the iCalendar URL into IPS. 
    • Verified permissions for all users (including Guests) to be able to see all calendar events
    • Only "some" of my events show up in the IPS calendar.
    • At least one event (an annually occurring one) shows up. But many others do not. 
    • The iCalendar Valdiator shows "warnings" but no errors on the feed. 

    iCalendar feed link here

    IPS Calendar here

    Other Notes 

    1. When I download the iCalendar file directly from Google and open it in a text editor, it contains all events. (1,200+ lines of text)
    2. When I download the iCalendar file from my IPS site, it only has 100 lines. 
  4. Thanks, @Marc Stridgen. I've enabled that feature and we'll see how it goes.

    Honestly, I don't think it will. I previously tried enabling this option, but I don't think it resolved the store issue. I left it enabled for a day or 2 but disabled it because it was constantly logging me out. Mid-session I would get booted because my IP had changed. After that occurred like 5 times in a single day, I disabled the feature.

    I'll let you know if it resolves the store issue. 

  5. Hi @Jim M, thanks for looking. Client area is updated and ready for you. Yes, my MaxMind account is active. I verified it just now to be sure.

    And yes, I believe I'm using a reverse proxy. My site is hosted on AWS Lightsail and it has a load balancer in place. Traffic hits my load balancer, which then distributes it to "n"-number of servers.  Currently.... 1. 🙂 

    So yeah, I think that qualifies as a reverse proxy?  I hadn't thought of the load balancer being an issue. Any ideas how to resolve it? 

    Thanks again


  6. I use MaxMind for Commerce.

    Starting somewhat recently, I discovered that every single one of my Commerce sales were suddenly requiring manual approval. When I looked at the details of the transaction, it gives me a MaxMind error:

    Warning from MaxMind

    Could contain: File, Text, Webpage

    I couldn't find anything useful in my server-side logs, but perhaps I didn't look in the right place. Any ideas why IPS is (apparently?) not sending a valid IP address to MaxMind? 

    Some other notes:

    • I am using the proper 1.3 API of MaxMind. 
    • I disabled all MaxMind Commerce rules and this still occurs.



  7. 2 minutes ago, Stuart Silvester said:

    It's possible that you're using a different PHP version/install on command line to the web server. It would be worth checking that /usr/bin/php is the right executable.

    Bingo! That was it. Web server was using 8.0.19 and the CLI was using 8.1. I updated the CLI to use 8.0 and the maintenance script ran without error. 

    Thank you both @Stuart Silvester and @Jim M

  8. The site is hosted in AWS and I'm the sole administrator with full root access to the LAMP instance. All 3 of the following locations indicate I am using PHP 8.0.19:

    phppinfo() page

    IPS4.php that you linked to

    And my IPS Support page dashboard (screenshot)

    Could contain: Page, Text, Word

    I can install any package that I need to, but I believe I have them all. 

    Kindly asking for guidance from anybody. This appears to be a critical error and I don't want to permanently damage my site. 


  9. I found this in the application log:

    Wed, 01 Jun 2022 17:58:42 +0000
    Error: Class "mysqli" not found (0)
    #0 /var/www/html/init.php(735): require_once()
    #1 /var/www/html/system/Data/Store/Database.php(92): IPS\IPS::autoloader()
    #2 /var/www/html/system/Data/Store/Database.php(108): IPS\Data\Store\_Database->loadIntoMemory()
    #3 /var/www/html/system/Data/Store/Database.php(162): IPS\Data\Store\_Database->get()
    #4 /var/www/html/system/Data/AbstractData.php(126): IPS\Data\Store\_Database->exists()
    #5 /var/www/html/system/Data/Store.php(303): IPS\Data\_AbstractData->__isset()
    #6 /var/www/html/system/Settings/Settings.php(176): IPS\Data\_Store->__isset()
    #7 /var/www/html/system/Settings/Settings.php(132): IPS\_Settings->loadFromDb()
    #8 /var/www/html/applications/core/interface/task/task.php(31): IPS\_Settings->__get()
    #9 {main}
    #0 /var/www/html/init.php(1015): IPS\_Log::log()
    #1 [internal function]: IPS\IPS::exceptionHandler()
    #2 {main}

    It says it can't find mysqli, but I verified that it is installed for my version of PHP (8.0.19)

    # apt-get install php8.0-mysqli
    Reading package lists... Done
    Building dependency tree       
    Reading state information... Done
    Note, selecting 'php8.0-mysql' instead of 'php8.0-mysqli'
    php8.0-mysql is already the newest version (1:8.0.19-1+ubuntu20.04.1+deb.sury.org+1).
    0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.


  10. Thank you @Jim M. I must have had an older version of the requirements document. I installed mb_string and restarted Apache. Unfortunately I now get a different '500' error:

    # /usr/bin/php -d memory_limit=-1 -d max_execution_time=0 /var/www/html/applications/core/interface/task/task.php 710eec566b32f52cd33c9dfcd1824fdc
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
    		<style type='text/css'>
    			body {
    				background: #f9f9f9;
    				margin: 0;
    				padding: 30px 20px;
    				font-family: "Helvetica Neue", helvetica, arial, sans-serif;
    			#error {
    				max-width: 800px;
    				background: #fff;
    				margin: 0 auto;
    			h1 {
    				background: #151515;
    				color: #fff;
    				font-size: 22px;
    				font-weight: 500;
    				padding: 10px;
    				h1 span {
    					color: #7a7a7a;
    					font-size: 14px;
    					font-weight: normal;
    			#content {
    				padding: 20px;
    				line-height: 1.6;
    			#reload_button {
    				background: #151515;
    				color: #fff;
    				border: 0;
    				line-height: 34px;
    				padding: 0 15px;
    				font-family: "Helvetica Neue", helvetica, arial, sans-serif;
    				font-size: 14px;
    				border-radius: 3px;
    		<div id='error'>
    			<h1>An error occurred <span>(500 Error)</span></h1>
    			<div id='content'>
    				We're sorry, but a temporary technical error has occurred which means we cannot display this site right now.
    								You can try again by clicking the button below, or try again later.
    				<button onclick="window.location.reload();" id='reload_button'>Try again</button>

    The Apache logs don't show anything related to that 500 error. Is there a different log I can look at for more info?

    Any thoughts?

    Thank you

  11. Hi there, my maintenance task cron job is failing. When I try to run it manually on the CLI I get the following error:

    # /usr/bin/php -d memory_limit=-1 -d max_execution_time=0 /var/www/html/applications/core/interface/task/task.php 710eec566b32f52cd33c9dfcd1824fdc
    PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function IPS\mb_internal_encoding() in /var/www/html/init.php:556
    Stack trace:
    #0 /var/www/html/init.php(1583): IPS\IPS::init()
    #1 /var/www/html/applications/core/interface/task/task.php(29): require_once('...')
    #2 {main}
      thrown in /var/www/html/init.php on line 556

    I recently switched servers from an on-prem hardware solution to AWS instances. Everything else works fine, except I now get a giant warning that says my cron jobs are working. 


    Could contain: Text, Paper

  12. I've resolved the issue. You won't believe what it was.  

    I upgraded to 4.6. Memcache is no longer supported so I disabled all server-side caching. Result: the website is incredibly faster. Like, not even kidding you, 50x faster. Memcache must not have been set up wrong or was otherwise messing things up. The site is blazing fast now. (I use Cloudflare for CDN caching, but even with that disabled, it's fast). 

    Thanks for all the advice!   (cc @Jimi Wikman)

  13. I upgraded to 4.6 and disabled all server-side caching. Result: the website is incredibly faster. Like, not even kidding you, 50x faster. Memcache must not have been set up wrong. The site is blazing fast now. (I use Cloudflare for CDN caching, but even with that disabled, it's fast)

    So will will forego using redis for right now, but I'll implement it in the future if necessary. 

    Thanks for all the advice. 

  14. 13 hours ago, Jimi Wikman said:

    So I think you need to do internal checks to see what happens after the server get the request.  I am guessing there is a latency in the resolve and also the database connection is probably slowing things up. Check the internal connectivity and make some tests to see just how fast things move after the initial request.

    Thanks, Jimi, I appreciate your time and advice. My servers run on Antlse hardware, which is kinda cool, but yeah, I wonder if if's getting tripped up on name resolution or something else. Maybe my vhosts config is wonky or something.  Or maybe the server is just getting overwhelmed? The stats look good though so I dunno. 

  15. On 5/17/2021 at 4:58 PM, jwdenzel said:

    I have a dedicated server running MySQL for my website. It's got some good horsepower behind it. Does it makes sense to install Redis on that mysql server? Would I gain any advantage from that even though they are on the same box?

    @Thomas P: Apologies for the tag, but you replied earlier. Any thoughts on my question quoted here? I have 2 physical servers: an Apache server and a separate MySQL database server. Based on that configuration, where should I install redis for caching? Should I place it onto my Apache server so it offloads the MySQL machine?  (Interestingly, the MySQL server is totally dedicated as a db server. I think the Apache server has more load on it)

    Thanks in advance. 

  16. Hi @Jimi Wikman: Thank you so much for your reply. I wasn't notified of it by email so I just saw it now.

    Yes, I do have Cloudflare. I would love if the answer to this problem was that CF wasn't configured properly. Any advice? I've been banging my head against a wall for months over this. I don't know where that 7-second delay is coming from.

    Even if I put the Cloudflare DNS into bypass mode, and also put it into "Development mode" (ie, bypass cache, etc), it still has the delay. 


  17. On 5/11/2021 at 2:43 AM, Thomas P said:

    What do you mean by it won't work with MySQL. Redis is a separate caching/key storage instance, which is being used by your Invision Community software. Instead of saving caching information to MySQL or to a Memcache daemon it is being sent to your Redis server instance.
    This will take load off the MySQL Server...

    Thanks for this info. I misinterpreted the "Advanced Configurations / Data Caching" page and thought that I could not use Redis with MySQL. But I see that's incorrect. 

    I have a dedicated server running MySQL for my website. It's got some good horsepower behind it. Does it makes sense to install Redis on that mysql server? Would I gain any advantage from that even though they are on the same box?


  18. My website, dragonmount.com, is slow to load. There's an initial long delay of about 6-12 seconds, and then the entire site rushes and loads quickly. This has been driving me crazy because I can't figure out where the delay is coming from.

    • The IPS application is installed onto a local server. 
    • The MySQL database is installed on a different server.
    • The two servers (app + db) are connected to the same switch. Easy networking. Fast ping times. 

    At this point, I wonder if the initial delay described above is due to the server making a request to the DB. Could that be it?  How do I track it down? Does IPS make a single, persistent connection or does it us a new db connection for every request?

    Either way, the issue does not occur with the ACP. The ACP loads much faster. 


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