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Posts posted by dyelton

  1. Afterwards I did upgrade PHP from 7.4 to 8.1 for example, but the forum descriptions were missing before all of those items as the upgrade was done first. As part of the upgrade, the first step it gave me was to run a bunch of manual queries (which I did) before the upgrade could proceed...it was at this point that the forum descriptions disappeared but I proceeded with the upgrade anyway as I expected it to simply be a temporary state during the upgrade process.

    It's odd that those entries just simply disappeared as none of the queries I was asked to run were DELETE queries.

  2. It would be absolutely exceptional if we were given a choice in the ACP to have a user's avatar be the global representation of that user instead of the current method which is having avatar and personal photos in parallel. I, along with many others from what I gather in various posts I've found, feel that having both separated is slightly confusing to the user and really doesn't give good representation to that user. Sure, it may work better in a business environment like you guys have here, but it doesn't work well with many of our forum setups and the way they have organically grown.

    This post has a solution, but obviously requires editing the source code...something that would likely be overwritten in the next minor release and every release afterward. Seems like it would be a great choice to give admins a choice of how their board is setup. Allow personal photos and avatars, or only allow avatars globally. Please find it in your hearts to make this a reality in a future release. :)

  3. Community SEO (http://www.communityseo.com) handles sitemaps just fine, but I had to stop using their software as they were giving me extremely high server loads (not related to sitemaps).

    I have a very large forum (1+ million posts) and this sitemap task also times out for me. I'm using version 1.0.3.

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