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  1. So you've just gone ahead and decided for us what our "core community" is supposed to be? 🤨 Why remove a feature that's available in one way or another in most other forum software? Will you also be removing PM's in a future update?
  2. Yes, I also noticed this when I checked out that ACP-page. This is a real shame, and I don't understand why they would remove this feature from a "social" platform. 😞
  3. I thought that setting was disabled, but somehow the server had reverted while I was trying to edit my theme files. Thanks!
  4. I'm having this very same problem. I've tried to clear my cache, I've tried different browsers, but I still get this error message when I try to edit a template file. It doesn't matter if it's my own custom theme or the default theme. Any ideas how I can fix this?
  5. I would really like to be able to embed posts from Mastodon and Threads on my site. Will we be able to do this in v5, or can I add it on my own in some way?
  6. I would love to be able to add Mastodon to my site's footer from the ACP. Any update on this, will we be able to do this in v5?
  7. That fixed it, thanks! But weird, that haven't been a problem before I upgraded.
  8. I recently upgraded my forum to the latest stable version, and now I can't seem to edit my globalTemplate file (for both new and old themes). When I try to edit I get an error message that says that "this theme file could not be saved". I can change my custom.css file without any problems. Is there a new setting or something that I've missed? 🤔
  9. Okay, so it seems my core_attachments_map table was in MyISAM. I converted it to InnoDB (see code below) and the upgrade process could continue. ALTER TABLE `core_attachments_map` ENGINE = InnoDB Edit: And my upgrade is now complete! 🥳
  10. Alright, thanks! I'm doing a manual upgrade, but now I get this error message: Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes ALTER TABLE `core_attachments_map` ADD KEY `map_lookup` (`location_key`(250),`id1`,`id2`) What does this mean?
  11. I am trying to upgrade from v4.5.4.2 to v4.7.12, but two issues are stopping me. I'm currently running PHP version 7.4.30 and when I try to upgrade to PHP 8.1 to be able to perform the upgrade, my community and ACP eventually stops working. Also, once I run on PHP 8.1 (or 8.0) I get "database problems" that I can't seem to fix. My ACP says I need to run these queries: UPDATE `core_output_cache` SET `cache_expire`=0 WHERE `cache_expire` IS NULL; ALTER TABLE `core_output_cache` DROP INDEX `cache_expire`, CHANGE COLUMN `cache_expire` `cache_expire` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Unix timestamp of when the cache expires', ADD KEY `cache_expire` (`cache_expire`); UPDATE `blog_entry_categories` SET `entry_category_blog_id`=0 WHERE `entry_category_blog_id` IS NULL; ALTER TABLE `blog_entry_categories` CHANGE COLUMN `entry_category_blog_id` `entry_category_blog_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ; But it doesn't help if I try to fix them automatically or run them manually. I still get a "database problems" message when I try to upgrade. What should I do? I am using the automatic installation process in my ACP. Should I upgrade from v4.5.4.2 to v4.7.12 manually instead?
  12. Alright, and is there a guide available somewhere?
  13. I'd like to merge an older 4.5 installation into a newer IPB forum, is that possible using the converter? And if so, is there a guide somewhere (I've tried searching but…)?
  14. When I try to change my licensed URL, I get this error message: I've set up so that my old domain name re-directs to my new domain, could that be causing this?
  15. Huh! It does kinda sound like you're saying to your customers that they are too selfish to help in the support forums. I'm sure you didn't intend to do that. But maybe not the best response IMHO.
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