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  1. teraßyte's post in \IPS\Helpers\Form::addHeader - Ability to toggle was marked as the answer   
    The problem here is that actually the addHeader() function doesn't have a 4th parameter to pass the ID. The ID is hardcoded to use the form id together with the header string and the name you provide as the 1st parameter instead:
    public function addHeader( $lang, $after=NULL, $tab=NULL ) { /* Place the input into the correct position */ $this->_insert( \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'forms', 'core' )->header( $lang, "{$this->id}_header_{$lang}" ), NULL, $tab, $after ); }  
    So yeah, not exactly a bug. It would be nice it IPS allows to pass a custom ID as 4th parameter just like the other form helpers though.
  2. teraßyte's post in Content\Item -> delete() method throws an exception with no message was marked as the answer   
    Yes. The delete function uses that method in the last line for the IndexNow service:
    \IPS\core\IndexNow::addUrlToQueue( $this->url() );
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