I don't think so. It disappeared from the main ACP page, but seems to be stuck in the Tasks page:
Is this ok? Is it supposed to look like this?
Thank you!
Hello, i just upgraded to 4.7.2 and after rebuilding solved stats in the background i received "locked task: queue" warning in ACP:
If i try to run it now, i receive:
2C124/7 There was an issue running this task, please refer to the system log for further information.
RuntimeException: (0)
#0 /blablareplacedpath/applications/core/tasks/queue.php(43): IPS\_Task::runQueue()
#1 /blablareplacedpath/system/Task/Task.php(375): IPS\core\tasks\_queue->IPS\core\tasks\{closure}()
#2 /blablareplacedpath/applications/core/tasks/queue.php(55): IPS\_Task->runUntilTimeout()
#3 /blablareplacedpath/system/Task/Task.php(274): IPS\core\tasks\_queue->execute()
#4 /blablareplacedpath/applications/core/modules/admin/settings/advanced.php(754): IPS\_Task->run()
#5 /blablareplacedpath/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(107): IPS\core\modules\admin\settings\_advanced->runTask()
#6 /blablareplacedpath/applications/core/modules/admin/settings/advanced.php(38): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
#7 /blablareplacedpath/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\core\modules\admin\settings\_advanced->execute()
#8 /blablareplacedpath/admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
#9 {main}
I see that's a timeout or sometghing, right?
I tried to unlock the task from the ACP -> Tasks but after a few seconds it locks again🥺.
What is the problem?
Thank you!
Hi, i just noticed that IP.Chat appears under my Applications -> applications not currently installed. I have only an "install" button available. How can i remove it?
Thank you!
I just changed PHP version for my self hosted IPS community, from 7.4 to 8.0 (for IPS 4.7), and i noticed that short_open_tag (in CPanel -> PHP Selector) is disabled by default, but i can enable it. Is it recommended to turn it on or should i leave it disabled? I have read that it is deprecated but i would like to know other opinions.
I just upgraded my community to IPS 4.6.8 and enabled the robots.txt file from ACP. I can see it when i type domain.tld/robots.txt but i can't find it in FTP/public_html. It is not generated in that folder?
Thank you!
Hello, is there a way to bring back (in IPS 4.6.0) the number of reputation that users got, in userinfopane/topicview?
Is it possible to do this with Custom Profile Fields?
Thank you!
I noticed that number of solutions does not appear always in user profile (topicview):
When does it appear? When doesn't?
Is there a way to enable/show it in all topics?
Thank you!
I'm using login with Facebook social sign-in option (without status imports or promotion) and today i received the following email from Facebook Developer Operations Team:
Can you tell me please how should i proceed?
Thank you!
I agree with you, but I think that certain pages (like login, logout, /*?do=add, /*?do=reportComment*, etc. ) should be disallowed by default... Can you tell me please which pages you have disallowed from robots.txt?