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Everything posted by InvisionHQ

  1. I don't think so, sorry. 1. Yes it's a normal behaviour. 2. can you give me the steps to reproduce this thing?
  2. What's New in Version 1.2.1 Fix questions/normal radio on edit forum type @opentype Fix permission on "convert forum to feature" @Sonya* Added a message error if user don't have permission to change group type @Sonya*
  3. I'm not able to replicate this issue.
  4. @Dean_ No, this feature is not present.
  5. @CyanideBurial You can use "trader Feedback system":
  6. It works on my side: can you send me a PM with the screenshot of urls that you put in the menu manager or give me access to your ACP?
  7. ACP -> Menu Manager -> add external links (no option for internal link in menu manager) My renewals -> yourdomain.ext/classifieds/myrenewals/&do=myRenewals My wishlist -> yourdomain.ext/classifieds/wishlist/&do=viewWishlist For "My Adverts" link it's a bit more complicated, because it's a dynamic link. Two options: 1. if you have pages app: 2. with js
  8. No someone that never buy my apps and talking here.
  9. I don't want to avoid the discussion, but besides saying that not communicating my absence was a mistake, I don't know what else to do. Except for fake customers who are not my customers the clarifications are welcome, but at a certain point it is enough, we cannot stay here and discuss my holidays endlessly.
  10. Look at changelog of the app, you can see many works here, that's why there are a renewal fee. And we are talking about 20$ / year. 9 Releases on 2018, 4 in the first quarter of this year. ZERO KNOWN BUGS to fix. I'm back from two days and I read only philosophies but no specific request for help. What happened to all the urgencies that caused the scandal? and why are users coming out complaining and they are not even my customers? Please post in this topic only for support request.
  11. @Murena What's your problem with my app? I'm curious. The lack of communication was a mistake, but then again, there are no problems here and you are not a Classifieds customer and you post a link of my forum where a user ask "how upgrade an app?" and not your app not works. P.S. I was away 1 month not two months.
  12. Thanks for suggestions @Sonya*, I'll keep them in mind for the future. I have already written that not communicate about my absence in June it's my fault, but here no one "abandons" things. I'm here from the 2008 (maybe before with another account) with my apps and plugins. Keep writing about "abandonments" is not only offensive but also quite unfair and false. Now, can you please tell me your problem with "CLASSIFIEDS"? this is a support topic for this app and I'm really rested and ready to help!!
  13. This was definitely my fault, but the reactions are exaggerated. I repeat, I left leaving a working app.
  14. I'm trying to figure out what happened here during my absence. Without wishing to argue with anyone but many of you are complaining not because the app does not work but because you want things that are not advertised in the announcement. Now I wonder if from these, more or less valid, requests we can set up a discussion of this kind and get to talking about a vanished developer, a scam, give me back my money ... The fact is that right now I have almost all the resources blocked in the markeplace. IPS will have thought that after 10 years on this forum invisionHQ has decided to cheat everyone and run away. All this is a bit surreal. I will reflect on this, maybe it's time to get away.
  15. @Steph Jensen you complain for? I've some difficult to find a bug report that need an urgent fix while I'm on vacation with the family Can you please help me to understand your problem? I'm back to give you full support for this app.
  16. No problem do you think that I can do this thing with your Linked users add-on?
  17. I was thinking that sometimes the moderator, before a warning, even writes on the topic as a pre-warning. It would be very efficient if the moderators could also choose to comment with the name of the "Fake moderator". Maybe with a drop-down menu in the reply window.
  18. InvisionHQ


    can you send me a link?
  19. This is something related to settings, if you want I can check for you but I need ACP access. I release a new update in the next days with some bugfixes but I don't know if I can work also on this... I'll try.
  20. I'll try to add this feature in the next release.
  21. You are the only one with this problem, it's hard or impossibile for me understand what happened because all my tries to replicate this issue fail. The only option here is that you give me full access to your board acp+ftp so I can try to debug the problem. Anyway If I find that this problem is related to your stuff I have to charge you for the support.
  22. Uhm... no, I've tested this and it also works. it seems an old bug fixed some months ago Try also to upgrade to latest version also if it's the same installed
  23. can you test Classifieds on default theme?
  24. 1. I'll try to add an option to remove button 2. you can add this with ipb menu feature I think this is a problem not related to my app it works on my board and I checked also on some customers. Like this:
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