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Martin A.

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Everything posted by Martin A.

  1. Is it Font-Awesome or Twitter Bootstrap? :)
  2. Both of them shows the same form. I just think you need to point the crawler to the form, not the page that processes it, as there is one vital parameter needed to process it which you can't predict, a unique hash key.
  3. Try using index.php?app=core&module=global&section=login instead.
  4. If you're thinking about geosearch lookup, there's a plugin for that. https://github.com/smeijer/L.GeoSearch I haven't tried it, but if it uses the regular Google Geocode API I wouldn't use it. Had to switch to Google Places API to get more (and more accurate) results. var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete( document.getElementById( 'freesearch' ), { types: ['establishment', 'geocode'] } ); google.maps.event.addListener( autocomplete, 'place_changed', function() { item = autocomplete.getPlace(); $( '#freesearch_lat' ).val( item.geometry.location.lat() ); $( '#freesearch_lng' ).val( item.geometry.location.lng() ); $( '#freesearch' ).val( item.formatted_address ); });
  5. Why? Have you looked at the open source alternatives? In an app I'm developing for a client I threw Google Maps out and rewrote it to LeafletJS. Took me less than an hour to convert it all. You may ask why you should do that? 1. Open Source. 2. You're not relying on MS. 3. Your code will be lighter. 4. Houndreds or thousands of map providers. The most common ones can be easily added using this plugin. 5. Looks better, IMO. 6. The markercluster implementation is superawesome! Tried OpenLayers first, but it was way too heavy for my use, and certainly will for this.
  6. After digging some more around, I'm quite sure this is caused by the Apache directive "RLimitMEM". This sets the size for the entire apache process, including PHP. Kjell Iver has a line in his htaccess that's supposed to override this to 300M, if he's allowed to override that variable at all. As far as I'm aware, it's not possible to read this variable from PHP, so my bet is that the host has a global limit in Apache set to 50M, without the option to override it.
  7. stoo, I found the culprit on Kjell Iver's forum. In the skin template 'mapGoogleJavascript' you have this line which makes no sense, as it's not used later on. This almost doubles the result set already in memory, as the existing version already in IPSMember's cache isn't using the same tables. $memberProfile = IPSMember::load($memberMarkers, 'profile_portal'); Here's an overview of the memory usage. "Compiled MemberMap" is something I threw in, from the beginning to the end of 'doMap'. MEMORY USAGE Loaded Language File: cache/lang_cache/2/core_public_global.php 159,07K Registry initialized 11,7MB Controller getCommand executed 11,86MB Everything up until execute call 11,86MB Loaded Language File: cache/lang_cache/2/membermap_public_map.php 18,08K BBCodes initialized 13,1K BBCode classes loaded 662,27K publicOutput: Loaded skin file - skin_global 1,45MB publicOutput: Loaded skin file - skin_membermap 226,54K Compiled MemberMap 26,97MB publicOutput: Loaded skin file - skin_ccs_global 952,8K Loaded Language File: cache/lang_cache/2/promenu_admin_promenu.php 97,65K Loaded Language File: cache/lang_cache/2/core_public_login.php 23,76K publicOutput: Loaded skin file - skin_platform_global 8,8K publicOutput: Loaded skin file - skin_featuredcontent 166,11K Loaded Language File: cache/lang_cache/2/featuredcontent_public_featuredcontent.php 14,47K publicOutput: Loaded skin file - skin_promenu_plus 135,98K publicOutput: Loaded skin file - skin_boards 904,48K publicOutput: Loaded skin file - skin_rss 159,23K Loaded Language File: cache/lang_cache/2/classifieds_public_lang.php 81,53K publicOutput: Loaded skin file - skin_classifieds_hooks 93,08K publicOutput: Loaded skin file - skin_ipchat 265,59K Total Memory Used: 44,76MB (Peak:45,53MB) One other thing I spotted is that you're running IPSMember::load() on getMarkers too. I don't see why that info couldn't be fetched in the initial query as additional joins instead.
  8. It'll be available here once it's been approved by the Marketplace moderators :)
  9. Working on the update as we speak, and aren't too far from a release. New in this version is the option to use Mibbit instead of the ancient and abandoned PJIRC. Mibbit is powered by AJAX (similar to IP.Chat), and is loaded in an iframe. PJIRC uses a Java applet, that has been flagged as unsafe in the recent updates to Java. Also, both of these "chat windows" will adjust to the size of your browser. Instead of having it fixed at a 400px height, it will follow your browsers window, even if you resize it. Here's a sneak for you " alt="" class="ipsImage" width="1000" height="467"> If you have feature requests you want to see in the initial version, speak out now!
  10. Yes it will be updated, as with all my other hooks. Just have patience.
  11. I have not decided not to update this, as it would take too much time (time I use on other apps) to keep up with changes made to Twitter's API.
  12. ACP -> Look & Feel -> [Select skin] -> skin_ircChat -> showChatApplet Find: <param name="command1" value="/join {$this->settings['im_irc-channel']}" /> Add below: <param name="command2" value="/join #anotherChannel" /> <param name="command3" value="/join #aThirdChannelIfNeeded" /> Save template bit
  13. Can you specify what's not working out for you? Twitter gives you an amount of API calls pr hour. These calls are used by various 3rd party apps you may use to interfere with Twitter. They've set that limit to prevent apps from hammering their server.
  14. There's no need for this in IP.Board 3. The language manager are able to detect untranslated and/or missing language strings.
  15. Guess that's an issue related to the latest security feature in Java, where you have to specifically say that you trust the author of the applet. As this is just a wrapper for an existing applet, that's nothing I can do to fix that, except waiting for the developer of it to fix this.
  16. I am working on getting this compatible with IPB3, but development has been slow lately as other things are taking my time. Hopefully I can restart it today, and it will only be compatible with IPB3.1.
  17. Not sure, but I think the installer/upgrader in 3.0 inserts lang strings to all available language sets, and it gives you the option to only translate untranslated text. The one string you found is probably one that's not in use anymore.
  18. Not really. It may work for some IRC networks, and it would require an external request for each request, or least every 5-10 minute. Make something like this for one particular network is doable, but support for all networks were this is possible is not.
  19. The skin templates weren't properly installed. Go to Look & Feel -> Template Tools and rebuild HTML for that application. Think that's in the third section of that page, check off "Rebuild HTML" and "(IM) IRC-Chat". If that doesn't work, re-cache your skin sets (first section of that page), or reinstall the application.
  20. Member Map View File IPS 4.4 ONLY For IPS 4.3, use version 3.5.7 Member Map is an application that allows your users to put their (Exact or approx) location onto an interactive map. Member Map has a permission model so you can limit which groups can add to the map. As an administrator you have the ability to create custom groups where your community (when allowed) can place other markers in the map, for example if they would like to post the location of an upcoming meet, exhibits, shops, etc. For developers If you are a developer and you store location data in your app that you'd like to show on the map, you can now do so creating a membermap/Mapmarkers extension. Instruction on how to use it is included in the auto-generated file. Submitter Martin A. Submitted 03/18/2010 Category Member Extensions Compatibility 4.4
  21. http://www.invisionmodding.com/index.php?s=&showtopic=37026&view=findpost&p=172965 :)
  22. 1. That's probably suggested a million times before, with the same answer; "No" 2. Sure you can't override that by adding "!important" to the CSS declaration?
  23. Can't give you an exact answer, as I can't test this myself, but give this a try; ACP -> Look & Feel -> [Select skin] -> skin_ircChat -> showChatApplet Find: <param name="pixx:showhelp" value="true" /> Add below: <param name="languageencoding" value="windows-1251" /> <param name="coding" value="3" /> Save, and repeat on all skins.
  24. Setting up a test installation for just that charset isn't done in a minute. If your board is already set up to that, give it a try. Wont hurt anyone.
  25. No, nothing of this will be executed on your server. This uses a Java applet. So that's downloaded and run on your users computer, but with the visual parts wrapped into your forums design.
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