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Everything posted by Michael.J

  1. There are some database changes during the plugin install process as well. So it's not just a matter of copying the files into the plugins folder. I would recommend double checking with IPS first however. If not, I can refund this for you. Is there a way to get admin and ftp login details to troubleshoot this further?
  2. That's kinda a unique situation but I may have a patch if your willing to try a file edit on your site before the next update? I apologies for the trouble caused. This update should have fixed this. And as a backup it won't notify a member older then 2 weeks since they joined as well.
  3. Did you also adjust the whitelist setting in the settings area for this app? IPS rejected the update for some reason... If this is urgent, I can send you the files manually but you will need to uninstall and re-install as a custom app.
  4. It's planned but IPB 4.5 just makes modding more difficult. I need to deal with the update before I can worry about new features again.
  5. I've noted this as a bug. I don't really have an immediate patch available.
  6. Can you unlock it and run it manually in the admin cp? That might trigger the error in real time. Obviously make sure you try over a few days to confirm there is someone on the leaderboard.
  7. I assume you have ftp access to your files? I can probably give you a patch to modify this until a future update adds this. You can disable this in the group permissions. 1) For the rss import? 2) There is an %EMBED% quick tag you can use in the video topic instead of the thumbnail. Until I add a setting for this, I could probably provide a file edit that skips topic creation for rss imports if you want? Were you able to resolve this? I don't really have that kind of control over the marketplace. So you will need to contact them to see why you can't renew. If they can't help, I'll process this manually via Paypal if you would like.
  8. I can take a look at this when I have fully upgraded all my apps and plugins. Obviously confirm with your host but the content is hosted by YouTube and should count towards their bandwidth. Facebook videos should be supported already because IPB supports them. Do you have an example video that is not working? I can't reproduce this. Have you tried with the default theme? Any template changes in the Videos app that need reverting? The quick add or when you manually add a video?
  9. I'm already quite far behind in IPB 4.5 updates, so won't be able to add new features and will just focus on IPB 4.5 compatibility.
  10. I'm sorry for the delay, it will be a while longer. But I can patch your install until the update is ready if you would like? I'll just need login details for your forums.
  11. I'm sorry but reluctant to take on new custom requests until after I've finished these IPB 4.5 updates. They've already been delayed a lot longer then I would of liked. Would I be able to get admin login details to troubleshoot this further?
  12. This locks topics only. It will not prevent new topics if a forum has more then x topics however. If you run the task manually, does it show any errors?
  13. Yes it will be updated but there will be delays unfortunately. You can keep updated here - https://www.devfuse.com/forums/topic/12381-ipboard-45-update/
  14. Time delay or immediate welcome alert? Social media signups or normal signup? What is the exact version you went back to? I'd suggest emptying the "autowelcome_members" database and then running the upgrade again.
  15. Yes but there will be delays due to IPB 4.5 requirements. You can view the status of updates here - https://www.devfuse.com/forums/topic/12381-ipboard-45-update/?tab=comments#comment-27086
  16. I've added a manual patch for this here - https://www.devfuse.com/forums/bugs/other-paid-products/enhanced-status-updates-reactions-settings-r154/
  17. Any thing in the error logs to suggest why it stopped? If you check the tasks, is this task locked at all?
  18. No sorry not possible as I'm not hooking into the topic form at all. To do what you want, I would need to change this to hook into the topic form as well.
  19. If I can get access to either the site or a copy of the theme, I can see what I can adjust on my end if the theme developer hasn't fixed this on their end.
  20. I'm sorry for the delay. I've released an update that fixes this error.
  21. You can view the status of IPB 4.5 updates here - https://www.devfuse.com/forums/topic/12381-ipboard-45-update/
  22. My understanding is that modifications to the core_groups table is not allowed anymore. Does IPS have a best practice example or guide in what approach we should take now for apps that modified the core_groups table?
  23. Yes all my plugins will be updated, just going to take longer due to IPB 4.5 requirements.
  24. Disabling plugins shouldn't cause issues like this. Glad you got it fixed.
  25. Logged a bug report for this. Fixed to plural but will include a condition to support only 1 item next update. Do you have ftp access to your ipb files? I have a patch you can apply to import. Do not uninstall the Garage until you have confirmed everything is imported and I'd still create a backup as a precaution.
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