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Everything posted by Michael.J

  1. Yes please, full error details would help. Also what version of IPB are you using?
  2. No, only active purchases with expiry settings that have since expired. It will send "followup" messages after that expiration. I do have another app called "Purchase Notifications" but it doesn't support unpaid purchases yet sorry. I can note this for the future.
  3. The plugin assumes there's at least a msrp price before adding the deal template. But if your not using the price component, I've released an update that will display just the link.
  4. I'll add a setting in the future but for now open acp > open theme editor > basicpoints > front > topics > pointsCount Clear everything in this template. Should be able to PM now. Yes of course I'll include in a release but the offer was an interim patch sooner so you didn't have to wait for the next update.
  5. Thanks for reporting, noted bug for next update. If updating through the ips marketplace, you'll need to contact IPS regarding this error. I don't have much control over the marketplace updates. Bug report noted, thank you. It seems that's a private video? If so, then it can't really be added as there is no oEmbed data to generate the video. Can you please report them here - https://www.devfuse.com/forums/bugs/videos/ Or list them here so I can fix them in a future update. With IPB 4.5 updates nearly done, I will be able to start on bug fixes again. What dropdown field are you trying to change? Done.
  6. Not currently but I've got similar support in other plugins and can add this in a future update relatively easy.
  7. No not currently sorry, only global settings that apply to all forums. Any pattern I can reproduce this with? Can you take a screenshot of your auto lock settings and either reply here or PM me them please? I apologies for the delay, IPB 4.5 was a bigger update then I expected and it didn't come at a very good time for me. If you've got a PM open with me, I'll be replying to that shortly as I will need to troubleshoot this further directly on your forums. I'm not getting widespread reports of issues with this plugin so I'm leaning towards a possible issue with one of your topics causing the task to lock up.
  8. Michael.J


    Yes v1.8 is out now. What kind of window are you seeing? The v1.8 update fixes this and is compatible with IPB 4.5. The forum settings would create a similar layout with new forum topics from selected forums. No automatic refresh, it just grabs the last X topics by start or last post date from selected forums.
  9. Yes but will require a file edit and database change until I can add this in a future update. If your happy doing that, PM me and I can provide instructions. Setup auto follow for your forum account? PM is the private message feature in IPB and also can include the email notification if a member sets it up. Email is just a direct email using the IPB template. I've had suggestions for templates before and it is something I will look into the future but it's not a quick change and would need to be added when I've got more time. Won't install or can't be used? It will disable the topic feature if the forums app is not installed but I can't see why it won't allow you to install the app if there is no Forums app installed. No sorry it doesn't support multiple messages. I've got this plugin that might work how you want - https://www.devfuse.com/products/95-new-member-followup/
  10. Yeah I don't have any control over this aspect of the marketplace, so you will need to contact IPS directly.
  11. v1.1 now supports IP.Board 4.5.x. Only purchases with expiry settings setup. Not subscriptions however.
  12. Basic chatbox only, I'll be adding for the plus version in the future but haven't had a chance with ipb 4.5 updates keeping me busy.
  13. I apologies for the delay, I'm glad you got this fixed.
  14. No it needs to be set per forum because each forum has unique fields to store each forum logo.
  15. Could you have secondary group permissions set that are affecting the permissions you've set? I'll need to add support for limiting the number of teams a member can select in a future update.
  16. It's not a supported feature currently but I can provide a template edit to achieve this manually. PM me if this is something you'd like. No not currently sorry. It will download all entries displayed on the page your viewing. Remember to set the form permissions as well. If you view Forms in the admin cp and click the manage dropdown, you'll see a "Permissions" option called View Logs.
  17. There is a background task that shifts the points over to the new IPB 4.5 way of storing data. I'll see about speeding that up so it doesn't appear there's no points after upgrading. I'm sorry I don't really have much control over marketplace purchases, if this is still an issue you will have to contact IPS directly. If topics are deleted, points are removed. Not specifically for warnings but if the "set as spammer" function is flagged, it will remove points from that user. I have both noted but it may still be a bit longer. The IPB 4.5 update rules and regulations took a lot out of me. Yeah I can see that being a problem. Do you have ftp access to your ipb files? I might be able to provide a patch for it to select the members default currency while I look into adding an optional selection. Do you mean per member or a global setting? I'm sorry for the delay, I've basically got no real control over IPS Marketplace purchases. So you will need to contact IPS with errors for there. Let me know which site you want refunded and can either do that myself or ask IPS to refund for you.
  18. I apologies for the delay, that looks correct. Just to rule out something simple first, there are no white spaces after the word Germany? No it's just logging the duplicate ip for you. I can look at adding a blocking feature in the future.
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