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Posts posted by Riccardo

  1. Yes Marc I'm just talking about immediate notifications:

    Method to use for content I follow automatically

    --> A notification when new content is posted

    --> Notification List

    If a user has already chosen "One email per day with all new content from that day"  or "One email per week with all new content from that week"  It's correct they receive email 🙂

    Another question please:

    Is "Follow topic" in this picture  "immediate notification" ? ( A notification when new content is posted )Could contain: Text, Page, Label

  2. 1 hour ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    It means that all members notification settings in their account settings section will have their default set to the sites default. It will not amend anything they are already following, but all future items would follow the new default

    Does this mean that users who follow old content will still receive the email (the old setting) instead of the (new) online notification?

    Is it possible to reset all the followed contents by users? 😁


  3. Hello Everybody,

    just to be sure, I changed the type of notification for the followed content from "email" to "notification list" then i clicked on "reset members to default preferences"
    Does it mean that  ALL members that have chosen in the past the method  "a notification when new content is posted"  and "email" as notification will now receive a notification online on my forum when logged in instead of email?


  4. @opentype

    interesting and comforting, it's something I didn't know..moving from a contract to another.

    My featured suggestion remain valid but I can modify the policy adding something suggeste above:

    "By using this site, you accept the terms"

    "If you don't accept these terms you will not have access to the forum"

    and I'm not sure about this:

    "If you don't accept the terms you can still navigate the forum as guest by simply deleting the cookies from this site and reconnect to the forum homepage"

    Is it better to use "accept" or "agree"?

  5. Hello Randy

    this could be a solution, but I think this could be also a problem because of the data still present on the database like username, email, ip address..and so on..

    The user that don't accept the policy will have his data still stored on my database, is it legal?


  6. 6 hours ago, Randy Calvert said:

    This sounds like something you should add to the policy itself. Consequences should be defined as part of the policy. 


    4 hours ago, Chris Anderson said:

    Privacy policies exist to protect the interests of the site owner and membership as well.  A well thought out and written privacy policy shouldn't cause any "reasonable" person to hesitate in agreeing to it. If a member refuses to accept our privacy policies or any updates to it, we should consult with our communities to determine their take on the matter to determine who is being unreasonable, "us" or the random member refusing to accept our privacy policy.

    This is what I was looking for...a consequence for the user/s that does not accept the updated privacy policy.  But there is not a "I'm not agree" or "Don't accept" button that can identify the users which don't agree privacy policy update..these members continue to be a members and their data are still present in database also if they don't accept the new privacy policy.

    If a user refuse to accept the privacy policy should be automatically deleted as user/member after "x" days..this is reasonable cause you don't accept how the forum threats your data so the data are completely deleted...

    You could find something like that into the privacy policy updated:

    "You can refuse to accept our update of privacy policy, in this case your account will be deleted in "X" days"

    The users should be able to make a choice! In this version of the forum this is not possible..


  7. When the privacy policy is updated and you force users to accept the new conditions there is not the possibility not to accept the updated conditions.

    So It should be necessary to add a "Don't Accept" button in that notification page with this consequences:

    - It you don't accept you can visit the forum as a guest, and your account will be deleted after xxx days.."


  8. Hello Jim

    thank you for the answer!

    Is there a way to solve the problem with "Home" link? I would like users can go back to the home page in "Guest" mode if they want.

    Making this possibile I will be able to add this line to my privacy forum " If you don't accept this updated policy (by clicking 'Home') you are still able to the visit the forum only in 'guest' mode and you can in every moment ask to delete your account by sending an email to ...."

    The real problem is with "Home" link, that doesn't work as expected..I would like to modify it rapidly, my forum is offline..hope you can help me.

    Why to put there a link "Home" if it doesn't work??

  9. From what I can understand users cannot come back to the home page using the button "Home" at the top of the notification page.

    If I delete all the cookies and I click on "home" I can come back to the homepage of the forum with no problems.

    But this is not a solution anyway so I decided to put offline my forum until the problem is solved..

  10. Hello Everybody!

    I modified the privacy policy of my forum and forced users to agree the new policy.

    The problem is that there is not a button like "I don't agree" or "back" for coming back to the login page...

    Is it possible to add a "Back" or "I don't agree" button soon?

    Another problem..

    If I type the address ..../forum/login I am redirected automatically to the new policy making impossibile for the user to log-out if he wants to


  11. Thank you Marc!

    I know that IP address and log are stored into my forum DB, but my question is another:

    During registration of a new user IP Address and email address are passed to IPS Spam Service to check them..
    I must know If the IP address and email address are erased or not from the Third Party service (IPS Spam Service) after the service check for spam.

  12. The link is about "Privacy Policy" ...

    Your privacy is important to us. To better protect your privacy we provide this notice explaining our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used. To make this notice easy to find, we make it available in our footer and at every point where personally identifiable information may be requested.

    Log files are maintained and analysed of all requests for files on this website's web servers. Log files do not capture personal information but do capture the user's IP address, which is automatically recognised by our web servers.


    This website does not store any information that would, on its own, allow us to identify individual users of this service without their permission. Any cookies that may be used by this website are used either solely on a per session basis or to maintain user preferences. Cookies are not shared with any third parties.

    Third Parties

    IPS Spam Service
    The IPS Spam Defense Service passes the email address and IP address of the registering member to the service to determine the likelihood a registering account is a spam source.
    reCAPTCHA 2
    This site uses a CAPTCHA to ensure humans are performing certain actions. The CAPTCHA provider may set a session cookie and get information about your internet browser and device accessing this website.
  13. 25 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    Please note, that privacy policy there is not written by ourselves, so we are simply reading what you have sent to us. When a user logs into the site, its logged that they logged in., Those details are not removed at all. 

    Hello Marc, the privacy policy I am talking about is the standard that come after the installation of Invision Power Board...so It's written from Invision.....

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