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Crystal V

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Posts posted by Crystal V

  1. @marklcfc Do you use caching? Does running the support function fix it?

    There should be no difference since all there is in whatsapp_cvh.css is:

    .cShareLink_whatsapp {
    	background-color: #3C8A38;
    ul[data-controller="core.front.core.sharelink"] > li:empty {
      display: none;


  2. 1 hour ago, sobrenome said:

    How can I completely remove everything to do a fresh install? I have no other sharing plugin/app.


    Make sure plugin is uninstalled in the admin CP. 

    Does the table core_share_links have an entry (or more) with a share_key of whatsappcvh, whatsapp, or some variant thereof? If so, a screenshot would be helpful. 

    If there is no entry then download the contents of your /plugins folder and see if there's a folder with a file with somewhere within the lines "if ( $this->key != 'whatsappcvh' )" and "class _Whatsappcvh".

    Also do a search of /system/Content/ShareServices/ and see if there's more than one file with "class _Whatsappcvh". If there's only one then it's as it should be.

  3. @sobrenome

    I think perhaps another plugin/app is conflicting or perhaps even stuff in the DB from the previous install? I even compared share plugins from other developers to see if there was some issue with how I was using it and they used the same setup.


    Thanks for reporting. ^_^ I'll look into the encoding. I did a side by side comparison of javascript's encodeURIComponent encoding of a url with an ampersand and the way it's done server side via the plugin but I'll check around to see if differences on Windows Phone 8.1 are mentioned.

  4. @sobrenome I've compared to other share services in the marketplace and confirmed we do use the same sort of class in the same folder. I've attempted to clean up any code ambiguities in this new version (1.0.10) I just released to see if it does the trick. I am waiting to see if IPS changes the way they discover share services.

    Do you currently have a copy of 1.0.8 if the new version still does not work for you? I can attach a copy for you if you don't. ^_^ 

  5. 50 minutes ago, sobrenome said:

    Fatal error: Class '\IPS\Content\ShareServices\Whatsappcvh' not found in /home/xxx/public_html/forum/applications/core/sources/ShareLinks/Service.php on line 205

    Yes. That error means it can't read the file or that the Whatsappcvh.php file isn't in the proper folder. I've run the file through the IDE again and can't see anything.

    Let's try this. Uninstall the plugin via the interface. Upload the contents of the /upload folder. If the file is in the proper place it should show up in Admin CP > Sharing though don't enable, it's just to see if it's there.

    If it's not there, to look further into this I'd need some form of access.

  6. 14 minutes ago, sobrenome said:

    I have uninstalled and installed again. Not showing in sharing though. 

    Are you sure you have the file at /your-ips-folder/system/Content/ShareServices/Whatsappcvh.php? I uninstalled the app, deleted the file on my system, and then uploaded the file again. Simply by doing that it shows up as 'Whatsappcvh' in Admin CP > System > Sharing. I downloaded the plugin and installed from there so the zip doesn't seem corrupt.

    The plugin install itself is for the template, language strings, and settings rather than making it show up in Admin CP > System > Sharing.

    13 hours ago, Ebrahim Azizpoor_546852 said:

    There are no files to install the downloaded file?

    What do you mean? I just downloaded the zip and see both the xml file and the /upload folder. The file that is necessary should be at /your-ips-folder/system/Content/ShareServices/Whatsappcvh.php on your server after you upload the contents of the /upload folder.

  7. 2 hours ago, Mike John said:

    I'm not able to reproduce this locally. I'll need acp and ftp login details to troubleshoot further.

    The issue is that it's trying to save the member object instead of just the member id. Should be something like this in \applications\autowelcome\modules\admin\settings\settings.php:

    			if ( !empty( $values[ 'aw_pm_from' ] ) and $values[ 'aw_pm_from' ]->member_id )
    				$values[ 'aw_pm_from' ] = $values[ 'aw_pm_from' ]->member_id;
    			if ( !empty( $values[ 'aw_email_from' ] ) and $values[ 'aw_email_from' ]->member_id )
    				$values[ 'aw_email_from' ] = $values[ 'aw_email_from' ]->member_id;
    			if ( !empty( $values[ 'aw_topic_author' ] ) and $values[ 'aw_topic_author' ]->member_id )
    				$values[ 'aw_topic_author' ] = $values[ 'aw_topic_author' ]->member_id;
    			$form->saveAsSettings( $values );


  8. Awesome! Any other improvement for the update?

    I have tested for accents, it's working fine in the current release.

    Thanks for testing the accents. :)

    Some more small performance tweaks. Also, if you use memcached and full page caching there was a bug for guests that would cache visibility server-side rather than just using the CSS.

  9. Only one thing that I have noticed.

    On desktop, if we set the icon not to show, it adds a small gap between other share icons, in the place that whatsapp icon should be.

    Yes, it does. Unfortunately with full-page caching for guests available I cannot hide it server-side. For now, you can choose to turn it on for everyone if it's an issue.

    It's possible with javascript. I'll look into providing some example code or maybe adding a small js file.

    Thanks. :)

  10. @sobrenome I've released the new version (1.0.6).

    I've removed the custom text string that was being used for now but added an example of customization on the plugin page since the template does allow for access to the title and URL. The rest of the changes are just adding static variables and removing the call to the WhatsApp class if not on mobile/tablet and if the desktop view setting has not been toggled.

    None of the other IPS share links seem to have custom text strings and I figured the performance improvements would be worth it. Hopefully you see some improvement in speed. :) 

  11. Does this plugin impact negatively on website speed?

    Is there a Javascript to be loaded right? Does it follow the system core rules for javascript optimum loading?


    This plugin has no javascript. It does have a CSS file to change the color of the share link.

    I was able to optimize my test install of WhatsApp and on average saved about 2% of load time or about 10,000 microseconds on a full page on a topic with thousands of posts. Will release within the next few days. :) 

  12. Hello!

    I would like to edit the template file for WhatsApp button.

    I tried to find it on core > global > sharelinks but it's not there. Where can I find it?

    Testing on iPhone, the button works, but the title gets plus signs (+) where should be spaces.

    The pontuation character  "!" is changed to "!".

    And in system > site promotion > sharing, even if we put WhatsApp on top, it appears as the last sharing option for the user.

    ​It's under Core > Global > Plugins in the Theme editor.

    I will try testing on an iPhone over the weekend. It's working on my Android phone so it may be iOS-specific.

    The wrong positioning is a bug and I've created a fix for it on my test install. I will release the fix after I test the WhatsApp plugin on iPhone. 

    Thanks. :)

  13. Not seems on 4.0.2 :(

    I'm able to install fine on 4.0.2. Created a fresh install to test.


    Is the button not appearing? If so, you need to be in mobile/tablet though you do have ability to toggle 'Hide in desktop mode?' in System > Sharing > WhatsApp > Edit. It's set to off by default because WhatsApp Web didn't support sharing last time I checked.

    What's the error you're getting if that's not the issue?

  14. Okay, finally I can reply.

    This plugin would not have caused issues with memcached but, yes, at the time it would have caused issues after having disabled via plugin rather than System > WhatsApp > Sharing.

    I've released version 1.0.4 which completely changes how this plugin functions so this issue should be resolved.

  15. @Gabrielle V. we had some issues today and our site went down when removing plugins. The site came back online thanks to IPS Support, however the forum topics and posts would not appear. The topic and posts could not be accessed a blank page would be displayed - upon checking the error logs the following was identified.

    [12-Apr-2015 21:59:32 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Method IPS\Content\ShareServices\Whatsappcvh::__toString() must not throw an exception in /public_html/system/Theme/Theme.php(624) : eval()'d code on line 0
    [12-Apr-2015 22:02:57 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Method IPS\Content\ShareServices\Whatsappcvh::__toString() must not throw an exception in /public_html/system/Theme/Theme.php(624) : eval()'d code on line 0
    [12-Apr-2015 22:03:06 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Method IPS\Content\ShareServices\Whatsappcvh::__toString() must not throw an exception in /public_html/system/Theme/Theme.php(624) : eval()'d code on line 0
    [12-Apr-2015 22:03:16 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Method IPS\Content\ShareServices\Whatsappcvh::__toString() must not throw an exception in /public_html/system/Theme/Theme.php(624) : eval()'d code on line 0
    [12-Apr-2015 22:03:58 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Method IPS\Content\ShareServices\Whatsappcvh::__toString() must not throw an exception in /public_html/system/Theme/Theme.php(624) : eval()'d code on line 0
    [12-Apr-2015 22:04:53 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Method IPS\Content\ShareServices\Whatsappcvh::__toString() must not throw an exception in /public_html/system/Theme/Theme.php(624) : eval()'d code on line 0
    [12-Apr-2015 22:05:58 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Method IPS\Content\ShareServices\Whatsappcvh::__toString() must not throw an exception in /public_html/system/Theme/Theme.php(624) : eval()'d code on line 0
    [12-Apr-2015 22:06:05 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Method IPS\Content\ShareServices\Whatsappcvh::__toString() must not throw an exception in /public_html/system/Theme/Theme.php(624) : eval()'d code on line 0
    [12-Apr-2015 22:06:08 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Method IPS\Content\ShareServices\Whatsappcvh::__toString() must not throw an exception in /public_html/system/Theme/Theme.php(624) : eval()'d code on line 0

    Disabling the file in /system/content/shareservice/ immediately resolved the issue, I'm not saying this was the root cause of the issue but it was a contributing factor.


    ​That issue is generally caused by a missing template. There is an IN_DEV specific template (which is uploaded to /applications/core/dev/html/front/sharelinks/whatsapp_cvh.phtml) and then there's the one saved by IPS when installing the plugin. 

    I'll make a note in the zip of how to uninstall the plugin correctly (which, yes, you have to delete the physical file in /system/content/shareservice before uninstalling the plugin).

    Thank you for bringing this to my attention and I'm sorry it caused you issue. :/

    edit: I have some ideas how to make this a non-issue in the future (by somehow piggy-backing on a hook).

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