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Elon Report

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Posts posted by Elon Report

  1. On 11/16/2021 at 3:32 PM, Stuart Silvester said:

    Vapid key generation failure on Windows is typically (and this is pretty much all Windows web servers) because the openssl.cnf file either isn't configured properly or cannot be located/used by your PHP instance.

    Take a look at https://stackoverflow.com/a/18869750. If you can get it to work, that's great! Just please note that we cannot assist with server configuration issues.

    I experienced this issue on Windows server.   Followed the instructions, and it worked great, but some paths are outdated.

    For those using Plesk (and php 8.1), the path to the OPENSSL_CONF variable is:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Plesk\Additional\PleskPHP81\extras\ssl\openssl.cnf

  2. See images below.    I'm coding API, and still learning, so I think something is getting added to the database...

    Could contain: Text, City

    No matter what method I try, I cannot see any records.

    Could contain: File, Page, Text

    Even querying the database directly shows no records.  (I never edit custom databases through my mysql tool)

    Could contain: Page, Text, File


    How can I have IPB verify the consistency of that custom database?


  3. OK, I am now trying to search actual data, and running into an issue.  Was going to start a new thread but this one was at the top.  🙂

    I have a database (#4) on a page, and I am able to upload a record to it.   I can see it on the page. However, I always get no results found via the api.

        "page": 1,
        "perPage": 25,
        "totalResults": 0,
        "totalPages": 0,
        "results": []

    The title is "2".  I've tried playing with variables but nothing gets returned when there are no filters at all!

  4. 58 minutes ago, Sonya* said:

    You need a page. The database itself has no url, the page has. If there is no URL, nothing can be accessed or searched.

    That was the solution!   I was able to create records without a url though.

    For anyone else that stumbles with this issue:

    My database id is 3.   My new page id is 4.

    The contenttype is cms_records3

    Thanks all.

  5. 10 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    You are better to wait until things are released rather than trying to prepare for things without the knowledge of how they work, to be honest.

    I'm too eager.  😞  Let me do a couple out of context analogies so I can appear smarter while admitting you are correct:

    Should I stop dreaming about living on the moon now that I know we are going there?
    Should I stop preparing my child's room until I know what gender they prefer?

    Thanks Marc.  🙂

  6. I want to search a title in a database to make sure the record is not already there.   I found the different search types I can do:

        "contenttypes": [

    What contenttype do I use if I want to search database #3?

  7. 53 minutes ago, Daniel F said:

    The temp_ban column in the core_members table contains the banned state.

    0 means not banned

    -1 means banned 

    any other integer in this column is the timestamp until the user should be banned

    Sorry,  this is not the issue.  temp_ban is 0.

    I get the error when visiting my front page, not after logging in.  I can still access the admin area.

  8. We all know it's coming - the day they will take over.

    I guess I told my Google Assistant to "shut" too many times, so in retaliation it blocked me from my website.


    You do not have permission to view this site.

    LIttle does the AI know I self host so I can access the database.  I just don't know what to edit to remove my IP from the ban list.

    Please help!

    bio lives matter

  9. On 1/9/2024 at 4:35 AM, Marc Stridgen said:

    no problem. Please let us know how you do with that

    Ended up cancelling my account today.  I'm getting better with API's, so if they cannot solve such a basic issue, why do I need them?

    Support really sucks on the "Starter" plan.   It takes support 2-3 days to reply.   I was supposedly put in contact with a higher level of support and I sent a message on Thursday morn to reset my account, but I have not heard anything, so I cancelled today.

    I asked for my $ back since I was not able to get a single Zap working how I wanted it with Invision.  I'll see what they say.   I only used them because of the Invision integration!  In the meantime, I am going to look at some alternatives

  10. Quote

    We have no way in which to change your Zapier API key. 

    Ok, so the Zapier key is tied to meta data on my account.  I have asked them if thy can wipe their record of me, so I can start again.

  11. 11 hours ago, Jim M said:

    Glad at least you have a direction to try.

    Thanks.  You are staff - did you reset my key?

    11 hours ago, Daniel F said:

    Do you see any errors in the browsers JS console?

    No.  We are at the troubleshooting step of resetting my account.

    Please let me know when you reset my Zapier API so I can continue troubleshooting.


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