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  1.    Millipede reacted to a comment: 4.5: Notification Improvements
  2.    Millipede reacted to a comment: 4.5: Notification Improvements
  3.    Millipede reacted to a comment: 4.5: Notification Improvements
  4. It would be so super wonderful if you were able to keep it, whether free or paid. It really does make such a difference, turning the normally boring avatars into graded ones with lovely colours (that somehow seem to blend in well with my forum colours). A few of my members have also had fun with creating their own. It's a big app and it always surprised me that it was free for such an app (these days, anyway!).
  5. I guess that means Names 2 Avatars won't be updated... 😭 I don't suppose you'd maybe make it a paid app? I'd be happy to pay for it if it meant it could continue.
  6. I sent a PM on 2 February, but haven't heard back yet. Did you get it OK?
  7. Thanks for the heads-up. I'd already decided not to upgrade till I knew my tons of add-ons were compatible! Insane indeed...
  8. Millipede replied to DawPi's post in a topic in Marketplace
    That'll be wonderful, Dawid, thanks so much!
  9. Forgive me, but I'm a little confused here... What does the Keyword page, with the A-Z tabs do? Might there be a demo somewhere for it, or might another user be willing to give a link to their forum with Keywords on it, so's I can see how that page works? Not necessarily, the Keywords app might still be useful, whether as a replacement for IPS's acronyms feature or not especially if it can show keywords on mobiles, being as IPS's acronym feature doesn't.
  10. Millipede replied to DawPi's post in a topic in Marketplace
    I love this plugin, it's so handy! Would it be possible, please, to add a list somewhere of all topics I've added notes to (only publicly visible to me)? Something like "Noted Topics" for instance? Unless I’m missing where it might be (if such a list exists), I might forget that I’ve added a note to a topic or I might forget which topic I’ve added a note to, so I have to scroll through pages and pages of topics to look for the icon next to the topic title.
  11. Keyword Tooltip I’m thinking of maybe getting this app, and have a couple of questions, please. We use a lot of 3-letter acronyms, commonly used in the subject matter of my forum, which can’t be searched for as Search can’t/won’t work for 3-letter words. How does the Keyword (index) page work? Do the A-Z tabs list by keyword or by topic title; or, can you sort by keyword? If it can list/sort by keyword, it could would mean that people could use the Keyword page to search through them for those 3-letter words/acronyms? As an example (not my subject matter), by going to the C tab, it would show topics that contain the keyword "CSS". Can you set case sensitivity, so that it doesn't confuse an acronym with a dictionary word, such as "ON", or is that what the Keyword Alias is for? This works fine with IPS's Acronym Expansion when it's marked as case sensitive (ie, in capitals).
  12. Super, thanks so much!
  13. Thanks. I’m planning on adding a 2nd menu in the header position, a bit like how IPS have their menu at the very top (in white). I was hoping that maybe there was, or could be, a way of combining this 2nd menu with the main menu for MGM’s mobile menu, same as IPS have combined 2 of their 3 menus in their mobile menu. I’ve already tried the option to disable hiding the 2nd menu on mobiles, but it’s not what I’d like (and I seem to remember it doesn’t display that well if there are more than a couple of items). I guess I’ll have to stick to using IPS’s menu manager purely for the mobile menu, and adding items from the 2nd menu to it, and remembering to duplicate menu items on it . I dislike their menu manager, the drop-down system in the manager is awful as well as hidden away, and it can generally be too restrictive at times... I’d have preferred to use MGM’s mobile version of the menu as it’s better, but if I can’t, I can’t I think I’d tend to agree re having a hamburger menu on a desktop. I hate it when sites don’t have a “normal” menu on desktops and show a hamburger instead: too much unnecessary clicking around for a desktop browser. Two hamburgers on a mobile, yes, I’ve seen that elsewhere and I can see how some people might find it “confusing”, although I might not, depending on how it’s presented.
  14. Menu Groups Manager If one’s using two menus, and has “Remove Primary” in the settings, is there a way to add the 2nd menu to MGM's mobile menu?
  15. @Fosters, renewal for my purchase of this app is now due. There’s no point in my renewing an app I haven’t been able to use due to the issues previously mentioned. It’s been 4 months since you said you’ll address these critical issues, and nothing’s been done about it since. There’s also been no reply to my last post of 24 November. Consequently, I’m asking you for a refund.
  16. I shouldn't think so, I have both plugins and they work fine together for me.
  17. Millipede replied to All Astronauts's post in a topic in Marketplace
    You are super fast! Thanks, it works a treat now
  18. Millipede replied to All Astronauts's post in a topic in Marketplace
    That is what I wanted, and precisely for the reasons you mention It's just that as there's a button/option to enable or disable searches made by admins, I thought I'd test it and it doesn't show admin searches regardless of whether that button is on or off. Or have I misunderstood what that button/option does?