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Adriano Faria

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Everything posted by Adriano Faria

  1. The Store module is disabled for all groups in my Commerce installation and still the Product Reviews keeps showing up on IP Address Tools: It removes related items in other places, such as Products in search.
  2. See Email Debugging on
  3. You have in applications/ app_folder / data the lang.xml file.
  4. Take a look at the table and see how it is. The “content” field, which is the description here, is a BLOB field: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/blob.html
  5. Hello, The data is saved via MetaData extension on the core_content_meta table. I don't think you can add them via query.
  6. Are you sure? I'm just guessing as I never used it in Blogs.
  7. In blogs, you can anonymize only comments, not entries. That's how it is by design. You can probably suggest in entries: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/499-feedback/
  8. This is the regular ACP login, which uses the same password as the front-end.
  9. Maybe .htaccess protected ACP folder?
  10. As the blog belongs to someone, it wouldn’t make sense to allow anonymous entries. You can allow people to comment anonymously.
  11. See System Logs on this page: Post the latest entry.
  12. You need to see the content of the system log in your ACP.
  13. Yes, but I want to move away from it. I'll try it again in a few days.
  14. I gave up! 😄 As I said 3 times, the keys were right.
  15. Not so perfect. It shouldn’t display, in your image, the Week and Month since you didn’t restrict them. Will fix it and send to you. 👍
  16. I will provide the CSV to the current dev. 👍 Nope, it doesn't appear on my list.
  17. Adriano Faria replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
  18. Adriano Faria replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    I can probably make a new module. No. It's expected people can send notifications when you install. If you have 10,000 members then you'll have to enable it one by one. This crazy. I can tell you how to do it on your board if you wish, but something like this won't be there. For both cases, you better create an account and redeem your purchase in my board. I'm not updating files here anymore.
  19. Yes, that's how it works. If you delete ANY content item (open position, topic, downloads file, gallery image, etc.), it will show like that for moderators who can view deleted content. Regular members won't see it. You can view the deleted content on Moderator CP -> Deleted Content. Once you delete it from there, it will completely disappear. 30 days is the number of days (setting on ACP) to get completely deleted. In your image, see the message when you hovered the trash icon.
  20. Just made a test and seems ok: Try to uninstall it and install it again.
  21. Will take a look. Not sure I follow.
  22. The giveaway is one ticket per member. Raffles are unlimited, as long the member pays for the ticket.
  23. @Nathan Explosion developed a resource for this matter: https://www.ynwa.tv/files/file/34-ne-application-update-checker/ Highly recommended. 👍
  24. Adriano Faria replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    No. Same for both apps: Ignore Forums and Topics., basically because this is not a Forums resource. It’s a suite wide resource.