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  1. DawPi's post in Issue with Upgrading from v4.4.2 to 4.7.18 was marked as the answer   
    Upload all 4.7.18 files on your FTP, change the PHP version to the 8.1 and run yourboard.com/admin/upgrade/ URL. 🙂
  2. DawPi's post in Possible Issue After Recent Patch was marked as the answer   
    To be honest, it's quite easy to reproduce. See this:

    Someone or something is attempting to "hack" or something on the board. In the code, you may try to find it at applications\calendar\modules\front\calendar\view.php:
    /* Pagination */ $offset = isset( \IPS\Request::i()->offset ) ? min( array( \IPS\Request::i()->offset, \count( $events ) ) ) : 0; As you can see, there is no check to ensure that the offset value is an integer. Please try changing it to:
    /* Pagination */ $offset = isset( \IPS\Request::i()->offset ) ? \intval( \IPS\Request::i()->offset ) : 0; $offset = $offset ? min( array( $offset, \count( $events ) ) ) : 0; Should help.
  3. DawPi's post in ips.ui.rating - does not save anything was marked as the answer   
    Are you saving it in your PHP code? 🙂
  4. DawPi's post in PHP8 Incompatible Customizations was marked as the answer   
    Both apps belongs to @Adriano Faria which take care of it when you contact him. 🫡
  5. DawPi's post in Inquiry about a feature was marked as the answer   
    I have something very similar - https://forum.invisionize.pl/files/file/818-dp45-buy-new-topics/
    You can buy "new topics" packages and use them to create topics in selected (paid) forums.
  6. DawPi's post in Table with external database. was marked as the answer   
    Did you specify the $table->rowsTemplate value? 🙂
    It's required for a front DB Helpers if I'm not wrong.
  7. DawPi's post in Portal App was marked as the answer   
    I suggest that you base the newly created portal, i.e. the home page, on the Pages application. Much better and supported by the IPS.
  8. DawPi's post in Can I Restrict Community B Registrations to Use Community A Credentials? was marked as the answer   
    Did you tried this?

  9. DawPi's post in Exif Data was marked as the answer   
    You may look at mine mods:
  10. DawPi's post in new feature: User is also here? was marked as the answer   
    It's an IPS Cloud only feature - https://invisioncommunity.com/news/invision-community/new-live-community-features-r1260/
  11. DawPi's post in How to moderate new members for a few days was marked as the answer   
    It's per group setting. Go there, open Content tab and find Moderation section:

  12. DawPi's post in convert folder is missing in latest Invision folder files. was marked as the answer   
    Add/edit that line in your constants.php file then:
    \define( 'UPGRADE_MD5_CHECK', false );  
  13. DawPi's post in ISP mail Regestration was marked as the answer   
    ACP -> Login & Registration -> Registration -> Allowed email domains for registration
  14. DawPi's post in Blocking one member from posting on a specific topic? was marked as the answer   
    The easiest way will be by using a mod, for example mine.
  15. DawPi's post in How to Increase Max File Size for Uploads was marked as the answer   
    It's a per each group setting. You'll find it under Content tab there:
    Total maximum storage Maximum storage for each submission
  16. DawPi's post in Something has changed in the AdvertisementLocations? was marked as the answer   
    Weird. I've added second extension with the same code as first and now it... works.
  17. DawPi's post in Reactions icons was marked as the answer   
    iOS 17 Beta? 😉
  18. DawPi's post in [Critical] Users can view other user email addresses on profiles was marked as the answer   
    It was something else. Suddenly "normal" members group was added as a Moderators. I've removed them and everything back to normal.
  19. DawPi's post in User stuck at "Your account does not require validation" was marked as the answer   
    Check for that member ID, then open core_validating table. Find that member and remove row. Then open core_members and find that member info again. Edit and empty whole members_bitoptions. You may lost other informations from that field, but most important is to unlock member account. 😉
    This isn't best method to achieve what you want, but should work.
  20. DawPi's post in Upgrade 4.7.9 was marked as the answer   
  21. DawPi's post in Undefined constant "IPS\SITE_FILES_PATH" when upgrading was marked as the answer   
    It was a..... wrong FTP account! Both working, but uploaded files on wrong one.

  22. DawPi's post in Is it possible to "unlock" a modified resource for PHP 8 was marked as the answer   
    Add new version in dev mode (or edit versions.json with higher number) and upgrade from admin/upgrade/. 🙂
  23. DawPi's post in Fatal Error upgrading to latest board version was marked as the answer   
    If you have access to FTP open that file and find:
    getItemsWithPermission($where = [], $order = null, $limit = 10, $permissionKey = 'read', $includeHiddenItems = null, $queryFlags = 0, ?IPS\Member $member = null, $joinContainer = false, $joinComments = false, $joinReviews = false, $countOnly = false, $joins = null, $skipPermission = false, $joinTags = true, $joinAuthor = true, $joinLastCommenter = true, $showMovedLinks = false) Change to:
    getItemsWithPermission($where = [], $order = null, $limit = 10, $permissionKey = 'read', $includeHiddenItems = IPS\Content\Hideable::FILTER_AUTOMATIC, $queryFlags = 0, ?IPS\Member $member = null, $joinContainer = false, $joinComments = false, $joinReviews = false, $countOnly = false, $joins = null, $skipPermission = false, $joinTags = true, $joinAuthor = true, $joinLastCommenter = true, $showMovedLinks = false, $location = null) Save and try again.
  24. DawPi's post in Unread content from many years was marked as the answer   
    I think left column base on "last update" and on the right you seeing the date added instead of last update.

  25. DawPi's post in Error while upgrading from Ver. 3.4.7 to 4.7.1 Unknown column 'is_future_entry' in 'where clause' was marked as the answer   
    Everything is sorted out.

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