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Everything posted by DawPi

  1. Did you specify the $table->rowsTemplate value? 🙂 It's required for a front DB Helpers if I'm not wrong.
  2. It can't be done from there. Such changes require custom modding. I might be interested in doing something like this so anyone interested PM me please.
  3. Send them money directly on the bank account or PayPal? 🤔
  4. I've done custom mod for reordering screenshots in the Downloads. Working fine on edit or new version page. See: video_1.mp4
  5. This is the same. Open forumRow template bit, find: Find: {{$count = \IPS\forums\Topic::contentCount( $forum, TRUE );}} Change to: {{$count = (int) \IPS\forums\Topic::contentCount( $forum, TRUE );}} Does it help?
  6. I can confirm that. Problematic forum has: string(5) "1510+" As a $count. 😉
  7. It won't work in my situation I affraid. I needed to change that part in the uploader but... It's done. I've added custom script code before body end: <script defer> $(document).ready(function() { (... rest of the code ....) But thanks for your efforts!
  8. What kind of module you're talking about?
  9. Hello, we have mixins for controllers: But what about mixins for UI? For example how can I change that part from a ips.ui.uploader.js: /** * Sets up this instance * * @returns {void} */ var init = function () { uploaderID = $( elem ).identify().attr('id'); if( options.listContainer ){ listContainer = $( options.listContainer ); } else if( $( elem ).find('[data-role="fileList"]').length ) { listContainer = $( elem ).find('[data-role="fileList"]'); } else { listContainer = $( elem ); } // Do we need to insert a wrapper though? if( ips.templates.get( options.template + 'Wrapper' ) ){ listContainer.prepend( ips.templates.render( options.template + 'Wrapper' ) ); // Move any existing items var firstItem = listContainer.children().first(); firstItem.append( listContainer.children().not( firstItem ) ); // Set listContainer to the wrapper listContainer = firstItem; // And initialize any widgets we might have $( document ).trigger( 'contentChange', [ listContainer.parent() ] ); } // Add document events $( document ).on( 'addUploaderFile', _addUploaderFile ); $( document ).on( 'removeAllFiles', _removeAllFiles ); // Any files to start with? if( options.existingFiles ){ try { var files = $.parseJSON( options.existingFiles ); if( files.length ){ _buildExistingFiles( files ); } } catch (err) { Debug.error("Couldn't build existing files: " + err ); } } if( _supportsDraggable() ){ $( elem ).find('.ipsAttachment_supportDrag') .show() .end() .find('.ipsAttachment_nonDrag') .hide(); } // Load the appropriate files var load = ['core/interface/plupload/plupload.full.min.js']; if( !ips.getSetting('useCompiledFiles') ){ load = ['core/interface/plupload/moxie.js', 'core/interface/plupload/plupload.dev.js']; } ips.loader.get( load ).then( function () { _setUpUploader(); _initUploader(); _postInitEvents(); _setUpFormEvents(); }); }, And add something after: _setUpFormEvents();
  10. I know. I have own copy of each release texts and noticed it too.
  11. Do you have Redis enabled maybe?
  12. That number is updating frequently by the task, not live. Wait a little or run task called viewupdates. You mean that number displaying in the widget? 🙂 It's cached, so wait a little or refresh them from a Support tab in the ACP by using a Clear System Caches button at the right of it. Everything is fine in the end.
  13. I suggest that you base the newly created portal, i.e. the home page, on the Pages application. Much better and supported by the IPS.
  14. For a future reference see something like this: https://invisioncommunity.com/search/?q=setLastComment&quick=1&type=forums_topic Save your time. 🙂
  15. You need to download the entire package from the CA and upload all the files. IPS does not provide patch files alone.
  16. I'm speaking about that part only: It's done and works as expected. For example part of the furl.json file: "blogs_blog": { "friendly": "blog/{#id}-{?}", "real": "app=blog&module=blogs&controller=view", "verify": "\\IPS\\blog\\Blog", "seoPagination": true }, Friendly part must contain "-" to works properly.
  17. It's intentional and has worked like this... since the beginning, I think. So please stop wrong accusations without checking the source, code at least. 🙂
  18. I think this ^ (due to RAM overload or something, using by a browser).
  19. Also Snagit. I've been using it for years.
  20. They should utilize the built-in bookmark feature available in most browsers or use an app like Pocket. It's often more effective than other apps.
  21. You should ask more. 😉
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