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Everything posted by DawPi

  1. Thanks, all access details were provided in the CA.
  2. Search operation. 🙂 Nope, just upgrade to 4.7. 🙂 Nope, everything is fine with SQL:
  3. Something isn't right. I have this problem on mine almost stock board and 4.7.0 Beta 3: SELECT main.*, ((MATCH(index_title) AGAINST ('test' IN BOOLEAN MODE)*5)+(MATCH(index_content,index_title) AGAINST ('test' IN BOOLEAN MODE)))/POWER(( ( UNIX_TIMESTAMP( NOW() ) - ( CASE WHEN index_date_updated <= UNIX_TIMESTAMP( NOW() ) THEN index_date_updated ELSE 0 END )) / 3600 ) + 2,1.5) AS calcscore FROM `ibbd_core_search_index` AS `main` WHERE ( index_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\downloads\\File','IPS\\downloads\\File\\Comment','IPS\\downloads\\File\\Review') ) OR index_class='IPS\downloads\File\PendingVersion' OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\gallery\\Image','IPS\\gallery\\Image\\Comment','IPS\\gallery\\Image\\Review') ) OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\gallery\\Album\\Item','IPS\\gallery\\Album\\Comment','IPS\\gallery\\Album\\Review') ) OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\blog\\Entry','IPS\\blog\\Entry\\Comment') ) OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\nexus\\Package\\Item','IPS\\nexus\\Package\\Review') ) OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\calendar\\Event','IPS\\calendar\\Event\\Comment','IPS\\calendar\\Event\\Review') ) OR index_class='IPS\cms\Pages\PageItem' ) AND MATCH(index_content,index_title) AGAINST ('test' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND ( index_permissions = '*' OR ( FIND_IN_SET(4,index_permissions) OR FIND_IN_SET('m1',index_permissions) OR FIND_IN_SET('ca',index_permissions) OR FIND_IN_SET('cm',index_permissions) OR FIND_IN_SET('s3',index_permissions) OR FIND_IN_SET('s5',index_permissions) OR FIND_IN_SET('s6',index_permissions) OR FIND_IN_SET('c4',index_permissions) OR FIND_IN_SET('c5',index_permissions) OR FIND_IN_SET('cm4',index_permissions) OR FIND_IN_SET('cm5',index_permissions) ) ) ORDER BY calcscore DESC LIMIT 0,25 IPS\Db\Exception: DOUBLE value is out of range in '(((match `*dbname*`.`main`.`index_title` against ('test' in boolean mode)) * 5) + (match `*dbname*`.`main`.`index_content`,`*dbname*`.`main`.`index_title` against ('test' in boolean mode)))' (1690) #0 //system/Db/Select.php(446): IPS\Db\_Select->runQuery() #1 [internal function]: IPS\Db\_Select->rewind() #2 //system/Content/Search/Mysql/Query.php(1326): iterator_to_array(Object(IPS\Db\Select)) #3 //applications/core/modules/front/search/search.php(746): IPS\Content\Search\Mysql\_Query->search('test', NULL, 17, 'or') #4 //applications/core/modules/front/search/search.php(126): IPS\core\modules\front\search\_search->_results() #5 //system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(118): IPS\core\modules\front\search\_search->manage() #6 //system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #7 //index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #8 {main} What is going on? P.s. previously topic was added in wrong section. Please delete it.
  4. The same as IPS4: 'about' => "Libby[_/ ]([0-9.]{1,10})", 'adsense' => array( "Mediapartners-Google/([0-9.]{1,10})", "Mediapartners-Google" ), 'ahrefs' => "AhrefsBot", 'alexa' => "^ia_archive", 'altavista' => "Scooter[ /\-]*[a-z]*([0-9.]{1,10})", 'ask' => "Ask[ \-]?Jeeves", 'baidu' => array( "^baiduspider\-", "baiduspider[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})" ), 'bing' => array( "bingbot[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})", "msnbot(?:-media)?[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})" ), 'brandwatch' => "magpie-crawler", 'excite' => "Architext[ \-]?Spider", 'google' => array( "Googl(?:e|ebot)(?:-Image|-Video|-News)?/([0-9.]{1,10})", "Googl(?:e|ebot)(?:-Image|-Video|-News)?/?" ), 'googlemobile' => array( "Googl(?:e|ebot)(?:-Mobile)?/([0-9.]{1,10})", "Googl(?:e|ebot)(?:-Mobile)?/" ), 'facebook' => "facebookexternalhit/([0-9.]{1,10})", 'infoseek' => array( "SideWinder[ /]?([0-9a-z.]{1,10})", "Infoseek" ), 'inktomi' => "slurp@inktomi\.com", 'internetseer' => "^InternetSeer\.com", 'look' => "www\.look\.com", 'looksmart' => "looksmart-sv-fw", 'lycos' => "Lycos_Spider_", 'majestic' => "MJ12bot\/v([0-9.]{1,10})", 'msproxy' => "MSProxy[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})", 'webcrawl' => "webcrawl\.net", 'websense' => "(?:Sqworm|websense|Konqueror/3\.(?:0|1)(?:\-rc[1-6])?; i686 Linux; 2002[0-9]{4})", 'yahoo' => "Yahoo(?:.*?)(?:Slurp|FeedSeeker)", 'yandex' => "Yandex(?:[^\/]+?)\/([0-9.]{1,10})", 'seznam' => array( "SeznamBot[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})", "Seznam screenshot-generator ([0-9.]{1,10})" ), 'dotbot' => "DotBot[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})", 'sogou' => "Sogou web spider[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})", 'isetallabot' => "istellabot[ /][a-z]([0-9.]{1,10})", 'blexbot' => "BLEXBot[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})", 'semrush' => "SemrushBot/([0-9.]{1,10})"
  5. Yeah, but the code to add referral is "fired" on onCreateAccount memberSync. I've extended it as the topic owner wanted. That's all.
  6. Willl be done as a custom work for Daddy.
  7. You have 3rd party hook/app incompatible with your IPS4 version. 🙂
  8. Added: Waiting on approval:
  9. Indeed. My mod can do that and it doing it very well.
  10. Need take a look of it’s possible. I’ll let you know.
  11. It's per content() so per post. 🙂
  12. That's why I do not releasing it for everyone. I'm speaking with everyone and telling them about pros and cons of that mod.
  13. It's hardcoded here: admin\upgrade\upgrading.html
  14. I have a mod to allow members to purchase more than one Subscriptions. More info on PM guys.:)
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