Unread stream includes items I cannot see anymore
How to do it on a mobile device? 🤔
Req. Developer to Build a Key Redemption System for IPS Marketplace
Correct. 😉 I've redirected him to my forum to buy it - https://forum.invisionize.pl/files/file/774-dp45-single-use-license-keys/
teraßyte reacted to a comment: IC5: Introduction to Listeners
IC5: Introduction to Listeners
Works! Thanks! Can I ask a question? What if I or other developers use it more frequently to maintain different types of mods? Will it slow IC5 down too much?
DawPi reacted to a comment: IC5: Introduction to Listeners
IC5: Introduction to Listeners
Woah, totally forgot it. I'll give it a chance, thanks!
IC5: Introduction to Listeners
Did you managed it or got a reply?
Is there any way to "modify" the posts content?
Hi, I do not need to touch the database itself. I need only change few words in the posts content. It's doable? UIComment does not support it I suppose?
DawPi reacted to a blog entry: Five Invision Community 5 features your team will love
DawPi reacted to a blog entry: Five Invision Community 5 features your members will love
If you don't renew for 2 years the licence is no longer renewable
I think so. 🙂
Will final release have an upgrade for older versions of Invision Community?
DawPi replied to Sinistra Sensei's post in a topic in Invision Community 5: Beta Testing's Beta Discussion
Invision Community 4: A more professional report center
Wohoo! This is something truly valuable for so many communities!
Webp upload test
- [IC5] Further development plans for the application system?
DawPi replied to Patreon Lukazuki's post in a topic in Invision Community 5: Beta Testing's Beta DiscussionHello, it was discussed a lot my friend. Read this entry first: https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/devblog/blog/ic5-introduction-to-listeners-r8/ Best regards and good luck! IC5 isn’t as bad as it might seem at first. 😉- App that can create dev folders for plugin and apps needed
https://github.com/codingjungle/toolbox- Third Party Developer Version 5 Question
Hm, https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/533-invision-community-5-modification-questions/- Problem with form stack custom field type
No one?- Problem with form stack custom field type
Hello, it's pretty simple to reproduce. The stack part: $form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Stack( 'myapp_authors', ! empty( $authors ) ? $authors : array(), TRUE, array( 'stackFieldType' => '\IPS\myapp\Form\File', 'maxItems' => 5, 'key' => array( 'placeholder' => \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'myapp_enter_name_placeholder' ), 'size' => 20 ), 'value' => array( 'min' => 0, 'max' => 100 ) ), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'myapp_authors' ) ); And custom form field type constructor from myapp\(sources)Form\File: /** * Constructor * Creates the two date objects * * @param string $name Form helper name * @param mixed $defaultValue Default value for the helper * @param bool $required Helper is required (TRUE) or not (FALSE) * @param array $options Options for the helper instance * @see \IPS\Helpers\Form\Abstract::__construct * @return void */ public function __construct( $name, $defaultValue=NULL, $required=FALSE, $options=array() ) { $options = array_merge( $this->defaultOptions, $options ); parent::__construct( $name, $defaultValue, $required, $options ); $this->keyField = new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Member( "{$name}[key]", isset( $defaultValue['key'] ) ? \IPS\Member::load( $defaultValue['key'] ) : NULL, TRUE, array(), NULL, NULL, NULL, "{$name}[key]" ); $this->valueField = new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Number( "{$name}[value]", isset( $defaultValue['value'] ) ? $defaultValue['value'] : NULL, FALSE, isset( $options['value'] ) ? $options['value'] : array() ); } And this is how it works and looks like: 2024-09-14_07-53-00.mp4 Is this a known issue or someone know how to fix it? 🤔 Thanks in advance! - [IC5] Further development plans for the application system?