The first in our series of preview videos for the upcoming IP.Nexus. This video shows a quick overview of the dashboard and its widget capabilities. View Video
For those of you who have been with IPS for some time you may have been aware of a previous announcement regarding the development of two separate products called Nexus and Dynamic. Nexus was to be an ecommerce billing system and Dynamic was to be a content management system. As we developed these products the Internet market had changed quite a bit so we have made the decision to totally discont…
In part due to the awesome success surrounding our first community-supported project, we are in initial stages of preparing our next Community project. As many of you may already know, Stewart had been working for some time on a Gallery uploader tool - an application a user could install on their computer to easily manipulate and upload multiple images to an IP.Gallery web installation. Stewart …
While IP.Gallery 2.2 has not yet been released at this time, I wanted to take a moment to outline a few of the new features and touchups in Gallery that may not be as evident. A strong focus for this release of Gallery was strengthening the backend - many Gallery users know that some core functionality was just missing and it was time to bring Gallery in line with the rest of our offerings. For …
One of the driving focuses for IP.Board 2.3 was resource usage. We wanted to spend some time on improving the underlying operation of IP.Board, even if this meant not adding a lot of new features on the surface. As with most applications that develop beyond a few releases, over time so many features have been stacked into IP.Board that, while not necessarily ineffecient, we felt we could revamp …
We're pleased to announce that the first release of the bug tracker, now known as IP.Tracker, is available for download at IPS Beyond. We'd like to thank Michael, C_ind, and Krocheck for doing such a great job getting this first release available. We'd like to encourage everyone to stop by the tracker forum and post your feedback, as well as submit your own code for inclusion into IP.Tracker. …
As many know, we are in the process of revamping IPS Beyond. Along with that, we will be offering many more supported resources from IPS. The first will be a new supported skin that will be offered as a secondary default skin to the board. This first skin will be designed as a very basic skin (no gradients for example) thereby allowing for much easier color changes and such when you want to match…
We just wanted to thank BoxerPals ( for sending us that lovely box of cookies and fudge. You know how to go straight to our staffs' heart. We occasionaly get thank you gifts from customers and it's always appreciated.
I have a quick update for you on the bug tracker project now. I'm happy to announce that Michael and C_ind of IPS Beyond will be leading the bug tracker project. They both have a great track record and have been a huge benefit the the IPS Beyond community and we're very pleased to have them working on the bug tracker. We'll be delivering the code to them tomorrow, and then work will begin on ge…
One of our major goals is to support our modification community and today I'm excited to tell you about a new venture to help the mod community. As many of you know we have our own internal bug tracker that we use on these forums. We've had numerous requests to release it and now we're ready to do just that, at no charge to our existing customers. The bug tracker will soon be released to IPS Be…
Zend, the company that makes the PHP engine, offers certification for users who are interested in measuring their PHP expertise and qualifying their PHP skill level. From Zend's FAQ: You are tested on your fundamental knowledge of the PHP language, as well as various classes used in PHP and design patterns PHP developers should …
A lot of the time a significant portion of development time is spent working on items that the end user will never get to see. A case in point is the attachments system. The attachments system was introduced back in the early days of IP.Board. During the development of IP.Board 2.2 the attachment system came under focus for two reasons. The first reason was that we were already testing the 'new'…