As many know, we are in the process of revamping IPS Beyond. Along with that, we will be offering many more supported resources from IPS. The first will be a new supported skin that will be offered as a secondary default skin to the board. This first skin will be designed as a very basic skin (no gradients for example) thereby allowing for much easier color changes and such when you want to match…
We just wanted to thank BoxerPals ( for sending us that lovely box of cookies and fudge. You know how to go straight to our staffs' heart. We occasionaly get thank you gifts from customers and it's always appreciated.
I have a quick update for you on the bug tracker project now. I'm happy to announce that Michael and C_ind of IPS Beyond will be leading the bug tracker project. They both have a great track record and have been a huge benefit the the IPS Beyond community and we're very pleased to have them working on the bug tracker. We'll be delivering the code to them tomorrow, and then work will begin on ge…
One of our major goals is to support our modification community and today I'm excited to tell you about a new venture to help the mod community. As many of you know we have our own internal bug tracker that we use on these forums. We've had numerous requests to release it and now we're ready to do just that, at no charge to our existing customers. The bug tracker will soon be released to IPS Be…
Zend, the company that makes the PHP engine, offers certification for users who are interested in measuring their PHP expertise and qualifying their PHP skill level. From Zend's FAQ: You are tested on your fundamental knowledge of the PHP language, as well as various classes used in PHP and design patterns PHP developers should …
A lot of the time a significant portion of development time is spent working on items that the end user will never get to see. A case in point is the attachments system. The attachments system was introduced back in the early days of IP.Board. During the development of IP.Board 2.2 the attachment system came under focus for two reasons. The first reason was that we were already testing the 'new'…
Last time I talked in very broad strokes about how we developed IP.Board 2.2, today I'm going to go into detail on exactly how the new profile system evolved from concept to the finished product you see today. Our initial goal was to bring some of the social network concepts to the profile system, without going overboard and turning it into a myspace clone. This is a fine line we walk in adding …
I see this question come up once in awhile on the forums and I thought it would be nice to give you a little behind the scenes information on how we designed IP.Board 2.2. When we map out a new release, we usually have a specific goal in mind for that release. This can be anything from increasing security, reliability, new features, or some combination of the three. For example, when we started m…
Everyone has actually been quite busy lately even with the lack of Blog and News announcements. We thought it time to post something here so you knew we had not all decided to take a month off or something. After any large release there is a lot of "clean up" work to do like starting on small updates to fix issues or going back to some neglected projects and finishing them up. Our staff has been …
Just a quick note on support response times for those not on a guaranteed SLA: We recognize and apologize for the recent slower than normal response times to support tickets. The release of IP.Board 2.2.0 is causing a huge increase in volume. The influx of new tickets is starting to calm down and things should be returning to normal soon. To speed resolution for your support tickets please be s…
Now that IP.Board 2.2.0 is out and being well-received we are going to turn our focus to IPS Beyond. If you are not familiar with IPS Beyond already it is our official customer resource site. At IPS Beyond customers can enjoy an informal atmosphere in which they can receive customer-to-customer technical support, chat about the products, share tips and tricks, and more. There are also modificatio…
After literally years of paperwork and waiting on the government's United States Patent and Trademark Office to do its thing we have, at long last, a registered trademark. While our logo and name were always a trademark in the � sense they are now a registered trademark in the full on always fun