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"Hot! X replies" badge now appearing on posts

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We've just run the August maintainence update and now we're getting an orange 'Hot! X replies' badge showing up next to some posts.

W have not had this before and we do not want it, but I cannot find a way to turn it off in settings. An old post pointed to Control Panel > Community > Forums > Settings but I cannot find anything there.

Has anyone else worked out how to switch this off?

Thanks 🙂

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"Popular Now" block was removed for Cloud packages in the latest release (as mentioned in the release notes). Team and up have access to our Cloud-based "Trending Content" feature which utilizes are proprietary algorithm to show popular content.  You can enable this in the Smart Community -> Features tab

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Hello @Jim M thanks for your reply.

I have swithched off 'Enable trending content' in Smart Community > Features > Popular topics

However the 'Hot! X replies' buttons from my initial screenshot are still appearing on our forum.

Can you advise if there is another setting that needs to be changed to ensure these are switched off?

Many thanks 🙂

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