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Bug Report on "Show Prices in USD EUR" Function in IPS v4.7.17

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I'm using the latest IPS version, 4.7.17, and my store supports two different currencies, USD and EUR.
Before the update, when we pressed this currency toggle, it changed the prices to either Euro or USD.

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However, I've noticed that after the 4.7.17 update, it only works on the store's front page, which is "https://somedomain.com/store".
It does not work on the store's category pages (e.g., https://somedomain.com/store/category/someproduct).
When I click that button on store category pages, it does not happen anything.

I remember that this function used to work on the store category pages as well (actually, it would redirect to the store's front page when we clicked it before).
Please check this issue. I thought it happened with my custom theme only, but I checked with the default IPS theme, and the same issue occurred.

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Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.


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