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Has 4.7.17 been pulled?

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Every day for the past few days, I get a notification that 4.7.17 is available.  I go the upgrade page, then it tells me I already have the latest version installed - 4.7.16.  The first time I did this, I went to the first page of the upgrader, and stopped what I was doing to make some backups and disable some apache modules that I thought might cause issues.  

This cleared the notification on the forum page, and I could not find a way to restart the upgrade.  24 hours later, the notification reappears, and I tried to upgrade again.  I get a error that I am already on the latest version. 

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Hi @term2323,

To answer your first question, 4.7.17 has not been pulled as it's still listed on the Release Notes.

Type in the URL of your community and add `/admin/upgrade` at the end of that URL. Does anything happen? If not, have you tried performing a manual upgrade?

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I haven't tried a manual upgrade yet.  I'd like to figure out why it thinks there is nothing to upgrade first - once I start overwriting files with a ftp client, I'm fully committed and down until I work it out, that is not the preferred way to go.  

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Switched to php 8.1, then I was able to upgrade from the support page.  It failed to extract the files by itself, but did provide a handy zip file for me to upload myself, and then completed the upgrade.

Is there a certain apache module I have to enable to allow for the auto extraction of files by the upgrader?

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