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Renew Expired and Canceled Subscriptions

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I have a problem here which a user brought up.

The user made a subscription on my website with paypal which has expired and was canceled on PayPal as well. This subscription was the one with the old price but I change the price on that subscription package some time ago.

Now this user wants to continue with a subscription but it's not possible since the system is saying the subscription has expired and has to be canceled. When you click on that link nothing happens - just leads to this page :

Could contain: File, Webpage, Text, Page

What can be done that this user can renew the subscription ?

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When looking up the purchase in the ACP, are you able to review the PayPal Subscription and cancel it? As you cannot edit a purchase unless it is cancelled.

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Posted (edited)

I checked the member profile as the member himself - there it was not possible to cancel the subscription. But in the ACP I was able to delete the subscription now the member has access again to make a new subscription.  I guess the problem was, that this was an older subscription with an other price but I changed the price some time ago on that specific subscription. Maybe thats one of the reasons some older members never renewed there subscription ? I just found out because this member contacted me and described the problem and so I could find out.

That would be possible a matter of further research since I have like 500 members would made a subscription but never renewed - maybe because they couldn't.... well in case of this member it was the case.

Edited by hpcrazy
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If they already have a subscription, they would be unable to create a new one, thats correct. The only option would be to renew their existing. I suspect there that the one they had no longer exists

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1 hour ago, hpcrazy said:

The problem is that I changed the price of the subscription - but the original subscription still exists just with a different price.

Looking at the user in your ACP, I see their subscription package has been deleted. The only thing which exists is the previous invoice. The user would need to purchase a new subscription if you are wishing to do continue with a subscription. 

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I was on the case and signed in with the account of the user. There is was not possible to cancel the previous subscription and the user wrote me per email, that also the paypal subscription was cancelled. The pic I post was the screen the user was shown.

With his permission I went into the ACP and on his account there and there I was able to delete the subscription and now the user can make a new subscrption with the new price.

The problem I am seeing : Is this just a single case or is this a general problem with users who had the subscription with the old price and now they are not able to continue the subscription with the new price. Subscribers who did not cancel the subscription with the old price still have there ongoing subscription with the old price which is ok. I guess this problem is only there when a user had a subcription with the old price ( paypal ) then cancelled the subscription before the new price was set.

If I want to change the price again on that subscription package - what has to be done that I don't loose the users who already are subscribed ?

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A user with a PayPal subscription would not have their subscription updated. It can't be due to the way PayPal functions. The PayPal subscription would need to be cancelled and restarted to have an edited pricing.

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3 hours ago, Jim M said:

The PayPal subscription would need to be cancelled and restarted to have an edited pricing.

That's what the user did ( at least he wrote that ) and then he could not cancel the subsription on the IPB - as described above. But maybe there was an other malfunction.

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We would need to example user who has done exactly the same that we can look at. Unfortunately as  the situation has been rectified, there isnt at this point anything present for us to be able to investigate further

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