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Enhanced links moderation needed


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There is this application but in IC5 something like that must become a part of the Core. 

Bots that sneak thru the registration process is so annoying. What's more annoying - making all members links to be moderated. This is a no-go.

IPS should allow to setup some rules where a member who has yet to have X no. of posts and be a member for Y amount of days to get his posts held up for moderation if they include links. Even EDITED posts for that matter. I see a common practice when bots or smartass spammers write a generally okay comment, wait until topic gets more replies then edits that post to something else and includes backlinks. Even when editing if link is present the post should be held for moderation.

Could contain: Page, Text, File, Webpage



By default, IPS moderates links posted but it's all or nothing: all links from all members will be moderated (except those who can bypass word and link filters).

This resource will add 3 new options when moderating links:

   - Number of content items
   - Number of days as member
   - Groups

Use case: you can moderate all links from MEMBERS (user group) that has less than 30 days as a registered user in your board and a minimum of 5 posts.



Edited by Meris4x4
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Thanks @Matt, I appreciate the link. nice features, next level-like.

I plan to stay on self hosted version though and these small changes I've suggested would benefit all of us greatly I believe. It would be kind of you to include what's suggested here since nothing directly is related to what I suggested in the blog entry where self-hosted features were mentioned. 

These suggestions would sort of bridge the gap a bit between advanced features of IC5 and current all-or-nothing- IPS4.

Edited by Meris4x4
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