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How to enable unread topic effect?


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There would be no way in which to do this on the topic feed at present, unfortunately. This is something you would need modification to achieve. Its worth bearing in mind that blocks are also cached, which doesnt tend to make them suitable for this kind of thing 

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Back to 1990's

So if you yourself isnt running stock, plain vanilla installation, then please stop blaming your users and making us feel super guilty at every inch of the way, as we have committed the biggest sin by installing 3rd party app or plugin.

@Adriano Faria please advise how we can update your old plugin? I cant find that in my purchase (it might be free) and I can't find that on your site. Please help.

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23 minutes ago, Gauravk said:

Back to 1990's

So if you yourself isnt running stock, plain vanilla installation, then please stop blaming your users and making us feel super guilty at every inch of the way, as we have committed the biggest sin by installing 3rd party app or plugin.

This is not the case. Sorry to hear you feel that way

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