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Stripe Payment Gateway on Subscriptions

Go to solution Solved by Jim M,

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I have recently actived the Stripe payment gatway for subscriptions of my members. Now the first customer wanted to make a subscription which got registered at Stripe but the subsription was not proceded and marked as " nicht erfasst " .

I contacted the Stripe support and they said all is fine and they think it's a problem with the webhook. Thats the translated message I got from them.


Maybe a webhook is not set correctly so that the collection of the payment is not made automatically. In this case we recommend you to contact the third party provider.

Any help or suggestions ? I basicly need the payment gateways for " subscriptions " and it has to work automaticaly.

Thanks for the help in forward.

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I had setup the system and the payment already appear in stripe - but it did not get resolve. I checked all again and for some reason this time the secret key of the webhook an other code was displayed. So I entered that one now - and now it seemed to work. The IPB sent me an automatic email now that a member purchased a subscription.

I hope all is fine now.

Thanks for your help.

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