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Google Calendar integration

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The problem here is you have stated there are events that cant be seen, however stated they can be seen on a profile. We need a link to that profile, and the name of the item we can see on the profile, so we can see why it cant be viewed on the calendar. The link you gave us previously was just to your home page of which the user provided has no access to view anything at all

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37 minutes ago, arrowman said:

The site is practically empty and only I have published it. Impossible to get lost, in any case I ask you to focus on the problem of being able to use a feed and to appear on the calendar.

Sorry, we are not trying to be daft here but we need to know what we're looking at here. We've been asked to look at calendar events showing up in a profile but not in the calendar so we want to be looking at apples to apples and know which user added/imported these events so we can investigate that specific issue. Without a link to the profile or at least their display name, we cannot do that.

If that is no long an issue and simply importing the calendar is, please clarify and we can certainly investigate that.

Just keep in mind here that when we ask for examples, we're not trying to be lazy or difficult. We just want to compare apples to apples here. Often times, we have had clients give an example and we try to reproduce it ourselves and we can't replicate the issue so we try to be as precise as possible to seeing what you're seeing. The easiest way to do that for reviewing a profile would be to obtain a link or display name 🙂 (even if there is minimal content on the site).

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As you can see there is only one publisher so click on it if you want to se what’s about it.

By the way, test to do what I asked to do and you will see what the problem is.

I want the feed appear in the calendar, please.

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Could contain: Page, Text

Has I said, 2 and 8 work well because they show up in activity and the calendar.
1, 4, 5 and 7 are only seen in rhe activity.
3 and 6 I get an unexpected format message and can’t be loaded.

the links are at the beginning of this conversation.

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2 minutes ago, arrowman said:



Could contain: Page, Text

Has I said, 2 and 8 work well because they show up in activity and the calendar.
1, 4, 5 and 7 are only seen in rhe activity.
3 and 6 I get an unexpected format message and can’t be loaded.

the links are at the beginning of this conversation.


Believe there is confusion. We are asking you to get this to that point. Please ensure that DFN and DN are added into your community. We then will review everything.

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As for the number 3(DFN) and the number 6(DFN) in the list, it is not possible for me to integrate them. When I try to do it, I get an IPS message saying "Unexpected format". If you try it, you will see it.
I have also checked the "ICS" files and they look correctly formatted, although there are many dates on them, from 1900-2100.
In the IPS system I can only review up to the year 2037. I don't know if it has something to do with it.


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26 minutes ago, arrowman said:

As for the number 3(DFN) and the number 6(DN) in the list, it is not possible for me to integrate them. When I try to do it, I get an IPS message saying "Unexpected format". If you try it, you will see it.
I have also checked the "ICS" files and they look correctly formatted, although there are many dates on them, from 1900-2100.
In the IPS system I can only review up to the year 2037. I don't know if it has something to do with it.



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As we have mentioned before, we need to concentrate on one issue at at time here.


1, 4, 5 and 7 are only seen in rhe activity.

Are you referring to recent activity here? You mentioned profiles before. If so, again we need the name of an item that is being shown in recent activity, but you cannot see elsewhere. Until this is provided, we are unable to assist. 

For example, if I have a calendar feed, and I have items showing on recent activity. If I can see one named "Football match" on 25th of this month showing in recent activity, and its not showing in x calendar, I would give me that name and the calendar name you believe it should be showing here.

Its worth remembering that from your point of view, you know exactly what you are looking at as you know what you are trying to add. We have your feeds, and I can indeed add one of those feeds to my own test no problem at all. So without comparing every item in a very long calendar feed, in various locations on your site, we are at a bit of a loss.

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Please, forget the word 'profile', it's clear now that it can confuse things. Please go to "Toda la actividad". As you can see, the last thing that happened is that you joined the community, then come the events related to the feed I uploaded to the DFB calendar we've talked about. It's easy to review since they are events that occur every Saturday without exception, so they should be reflected in the calendar. Or am I mistaken?

There you have all the information you may need. Click on any of them, and you'll see more details.


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OK, now it makes more sense. These are working without any issue. However they are in 2090 and 2091

I would actually suggest checking dates on those other 2 fields, as it may well be what the issue with those is too

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Dear Jim and Marc,

I trust this message finds you well.

I am writing in regard to our recent series of communications. Despite my best efforts to explain the situation and provide clear visual aids, it seems that the issue has not been fully understood. This has resulted in an extended conversation which, in my view, could have been addressed in a more efficient and effective manner had there been more attention to detail from the beginning.

This situation has left me feeling uncomfortable, and quite frankly, I believe it has resulted in an unwarranted burden on my end. I'm sure it was not your intent, but the overall experience has left me feeling as if my efforts were not adequately respected or valued.

Given these circumstances, I kindly request that you permanently delete the entire conversation from your records and any systems where this information may be stored.

I appreciate your understanding in this matter and your prompt action in response to this request. I do believe that every interaction offers an opportunity for learning and improvement, and I hope that our future communications will be more fruitful and efficient.

Please acknowledge receipt of this request and confirm once the deletion process is complete.

Thank you for your time and assistance.




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I feel there is a misunderstanding here. There only seems to actually be items from 2090 and 2091 present.

If you have 85588 items in the feed, its indeed very very likely its timing out before getting to the end of it. The reality being  the system will have not really had in mind someone adding items for over 70 years in a single feed. 

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They are lines of no more than 75 characters each. This is the format.

In the case of the calendar "DFB" (2,2 MB) bank holidays (Saturdays) and some other related special days are included. So, taking leap years into account, between the years 1900 and 2100 there are 10.436 days that are Saturdays or in this case events.

Depending on the calendar, events do not always repeat on a certain day of the year, but can vary and have done so since the 1900s. It has to be understood as a historical document. It is the reason why it is made that way.

I thought you guys could offer a solution so as not to alter the original source of the calendar. Now I will have to work on them to adapt them to IPS and keep an eye on the notifications and manually make the updates.

In any case, I await a response to my request.
Thanks in advance

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12 minutes ago, arrowman said:

They are lines of no more than 75 characters each. This is the format.

In the case of the calendar "DFB" (2,2 MB) bank holidays (Saturdays) and some other related special days are included. So, taking leap years into account, between the years 1900 and 2100 there are 10.436 days that are Saturdays or in this case events.

Depending on the calendar, events do not always repeat on a certain day of the year, but can vary and have done so since the 1900s. It has to be understood as a historical document. It is the reason why it is made that way.

I thought you guys could offer a solution so as not to alter the original source of the calendar. Now I will have to work on them to adapt them to IPS and keep an eye on the notifications and manually make the updates.

In any case, I await a response to my request.
Thanks in advance

As mentioned by my colleague, the file itself is rather large for an iCal (most are tiny, maybe a few KBs) and you have a use case here which is outside the bounds of the current intended operation of the software, going out to 2100 is quite abnormal. While I understand what you're saying, the only means really would be to make your calendar a little more parse-able by the system to accomplish this at the current time. 

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I have already shortened them to the year 2036 and also removed unnecessary information, but it has not worked in all cases. I have been testing without knowing more details about the IPS restrictions.
I'll look for another method and it will be fine, thanks.

I await a response to my request.

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