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Is there a Modification that has been created for this scenario?


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I currently move all threads that are "removed" to a sub-forum called "Deleted Threads" which is simply kept as a record.  I'd like a modification that simply states, any thread in this FORUM ... has a customized message ... such as ... This thread has been removed by the Administrators.  

Right now, if someone goes to look at a thread, they simply get a "You do not have permission to view this topic", I'd like to create a specialized message for any thread in a certain forum to be altered. 

Is there a modification that has been created for this purpose?



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It sounds like you want to allow your members to see the history of deleted topics (which in your case are just moved topics).  So it's a matter of managing permissions.

Maybe a forum where your members only have view permissions and a forum specific announcement at the top with details you want to highlight about the forum itself such as what you explained?  You can also just populate the forum description with the same explanation instead of the announcement (if you don't want the color and "eye grab" factor).


Edited by Clover13
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2 hours ago, BostonBob said:

I'd like a modification that simply states, any thread in this FORUM ... has a customized message ... such as ... This thread has been removed by the Administrators.  

If I am understanding you correctly, you simply just want to change the permission denied to a custom message? If so, this is core functionality. Edit your topic and there is setting which will allow you to change this message to one of your own.

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