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Updating for the first time as Admin

Garrison 501
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Hi gang...

I've only recently become Admin of our Invision forum site.  I'm pretty new to all this and and still uncertain about a lot of stuff, but am learning things quickly.

However, I see that an update is available to v4.7.10.  We're currently running v4.7.9, and everything is running fine.

I'll be honest -- I am terrified to hit that "upgrade now" button for fear that everything will come crashing down and I won't know what to do.  I've searched, but can't seem to find a walk-through of the process here in the posts.

I could definitely use a link to a walk-through or set of updating tips or, for that matter, even some encouraging words. <g> 



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1 hour ago, Garrison 501 said:

I'll be honest -- I am terrified to hit that "upgrade now" button for fear that everything will come crashing down and I won't know what to do.  I've searched, but can't seem to find a walk-through of the process here in the posts.

Upgrading Ipb is very easy and straightforward. Make sure to make a backup of your database and forum files too beforehand. Like that you can always roll back should you need to. Regarding the upgrade process have a look at the Automatic and Manual Upgrade sections at the following guide.


Edited by Miss_B
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I appreciate your reply, Miss_B, and thanks for that link.  I'll take a close look at everything there.

I should note that I am an absolute beginner at this, and was kind of just dropped into the position, so I'm really feeling my way around.  (For example, I have no idea how to back up database and forum files.  None at all.  The link you sent looks extremely comprehensive, so I may find info there on how to do it.)

Again, thanks for your help!


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2 hours ago, Adlago said:

It's the same as being handed the key to a BMW, and you don't have a driver's license, and you ask - how do you drive a car?😀

Yeah, it's pretty much like that.  <g>

That's why I'm asking the experienced drivers here for a couple pointers.


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12 hours ago, Garrison 501 said:

I appreciate your reply, Miss_B, and thanks for that link.  I'll take a close look at everything there.

I should note that I am an absolute beginner at this, and was kind of just dropped into the position, so I'm really feeling my way around.  (For example, I have no idea how to back up database and forum files.  None at all.  The link you sent looks extremely comprehensive, so I may find info there on how to do it.)

Again, thanks for your help!


If your database is small or of a medium size, you can back it up through phpmyadmin in the cPanel of your host. You can also setup a cron to do this.

If you have a large database, it is best to back it up through  a SSH/Telnet Client, such as PuTTy. That is because most hosts have set a file size limit on their phpmyadmins and if the backup file exceeds that limit, it can result in a corrupt/incomplete backup.

Regardless how you backup your database it is best to always check it to make sure that it is done properly. 

Backing your forum files can be done either through the File Manager section at your cPanel or a ftp program such as FileZilla. 

Hope it helps.

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Miss_B -- Again, thank you so much for taking the time to offer help.  But I'm afraid my knowledge and experience is just so far below what you're suggesting as to be embarrassing.  Adlago, in his post above, really hit it on the head: I'm clueless.  I have no idea what a phpmyadmin, a cron, a SSH/Tenet Client, or a PuTTy are.  I have no idea what size our database is, or even where it is.  I'm assuming a cPanel is the Invision Community dashboard where I manage the forum site content, but I can't see any of the terms you mentioned anywhere on there.

I've been looking at the link you sent in your original comment, however, and am finding it very helpful with a lot of great information.  Clearly, I am so far out of my depth here, but I'm learning -- thanks in part to the link you provided -- and am determined to keep learning.  Thanks so much for your time.


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18 hours ago, Garrison 501 said:

Adlago, in his post above, really hit it on the head: I'm clueless.  I have no idea what a phpmyadmin, a cron, a SSH/Tenet Client, or a PuTTy are.  I have no idea what size our database is, or even where it is. 

If this is the case, it may be worth looking at our cloud products rather than the self hosted products there. You would never need to think about any of these things again, and simply concentrate on running your site.

18 hours ago, Garrison 501 said:

I'm assuming a cPanel is the Invision Community dashboard where I manage the forum site content, but I can't see any of the terms you mentioned anywhere on there.

No, cPanel is a hosting administration panel which may have been provided by your hosting company.

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Ah, my apologies. I was responding based on what you were talking about there, but hadnt actually looked at your package there. You are indeed already cloud hosted, so things like phpmyadmin, cron, SSH, Putty, and CPanel are not something you need to worry about. Backups are also something you dont need to worry about. 

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