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Pages - WYSIWYG block with Pictures

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In Pages, if one adds a WYSIWYG block with a picture, right or left alignment is used, and the picture is taller than the text, the picture breaks out of its block into the block below.

Using picture alignment also breaks the formatting of other blocks blow it if the picture is too large.  In the picture below, "My Articles" and the first article should be aligned directly under my picture.


Could contain: Car, Coupe, Alloy Wheel, Wheel, Adult, Male, Man, Person, Advertisement, Sedan


Reducing the size of the picture to the same height as the text fixes things.

Could contain: Alloy Wheel, Car, Wheel, Adult, Male, Man, Person, Coupe, Advertisement, Sedan

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1 hour ago, Marc Stridgen said:

On first look, they dont appear to be our standard database templates there. Please could you confirm if this is the case?

The article section is OpenType's SuperBlocks, however, the same thing happens with a standard IPS block. The page is just a standard single column IPS page with some page builder blocks in it.

The block that holds the word "articles" is just another WYSIWYG block with a single word in it.

Could contain: File, Webpage, Adult, Male, Man, Person, Page, Text, Face, Head

Edited by CheersnGears
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I am not surprised it works like that. Floating images is a very crude method. It pretty much does what is asked. And that’s why I never float anything deliberately, whether it’s blocks, or articles or forum posts. 
It also doesn’t play well with the responsiveness of the page, because you force a width that might work in one window size but not another.

For a proper view of that layout, you would currently need custom HTML and IPS’ column or grid CSS. That can also deal with the responsiveness.  

Edited by opentype
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