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IPS Archive Version?

Go to solution Solved by Adriano Faria,

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Unfortunately, IPS doesn't seem to label their PHP files with the current version #, so I have no recollection of the version I downloaded in January, and the archive tells me nothing that I can find.

Is there a file in the archive that will tell me the version? I must ask, because I'm upgrading my server to PHP 8.0+ and I want to install the Nov, 2022 release 4.7.4 to see what if anything breaks from 4.7.3. I DO NOT want to upgrade to 4.7.9, since one of my mandatory extensions purportedly is not compatible (Radical Tags).

Unfortunately, IPS does not offer it's customers anything but the "current release". I just need to know what version I have based on the archive alone. The top folder is ips_dd729, so that should tell somebody on IPS side what version it is that I have.

If my downloaded version is > 4.7.4, I will need access to that version. How can I get it?


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1 minute ago, Adriano Faria said:

Example: /applications/core/data/versions.json

This file will contain all versions from that app. The latest one is the version in use.

All apps must have this file.

Thank you ... I had almost found it but didn't drill to the /data folder. Looks like I have 4.7.6, and the RT author claims that 4.7.9 is compatible with latest RT version. So I will move forward as is.

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