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Last update caused my files..


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Could contain: Text, Book, Publication, Page

Every since the last update, all my files all my website are restricted as seen in this screenshot. It will not let me view/open any of the files. They worked before the update and I havent changed any settings. 

Please direct me on how to fix this if possible. Thank you!!

I have way to many files to have to re-upload them. 


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That is not stating that your file is restricted, that is stating that this is from Downloads which comes from our restricted S3 bucket (hence the URL you see after the file size.). If you are having an issue with a particular file, could you please provide us the URL to the download?

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Sorry Marc, I am not sure what you mean? Are you asking if I have the currect software on my phone to open the files? 

I do have pdf reading software yes. Other pdfs open from other sites. Just not from my website, since last update.Could contain: Text

Screenshot of warning.


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