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Started an update (almost) now extremely high load averages!


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Hi there,

First off I will say I have left the update for a loooong time as I always have issues with things not working after, plugins, themes etc

I've updated to PHP 8.1 and thought ok let's get this update cracking.

Update says I need to run two database queries which I attempted before proceeding. Attempted as the tables don't seem to exist. The automatic fix didn't work.

Now I can't login to my admin and my site is down. Logging into my server via WHM I see the load averages are extremely high. I've tried rebooting, killing the high load processes which seem to be the home page loading. I just can't get the load averages down low enough to access my forum.

Does anyone have any ideas how I can get into my website, access the admin or anything that may help me gain control over the processes again?

Big thanks

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First thing I would suggest doing is checking your server error logs once you have upgraded to see if anything is being logged there. I suspect that it may well be. Try disabling all plugins/applications once you have upgraded if you are having issues, using recovery mode. This is something else which may cause you problems



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Unfortunately I never managed to get the install to start.

I'm currently using Invision Community v4.5.4.2 and PHP 7.4.33.

Attempting to run the update I'm getting the message that the update can't go ahead without PHP 8.0.

When I attempt another update I'll try PHP 8.0 rather than 8.1 perhaps that will help.

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If you havent upgraded, thats why you are having isuses. The version you are using will not support PHP 8, so you would need to run the upgrade manually. So you would

  1. Backup
  2. Switch to PHP 8
  3. Run the requirement checker to ensure your server matches up
  4. Upload a fresh set of files from your client area
  5. Run the upgrader from /admin/upgrade directly
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