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Subpar Firefox Mobile Performance From Cloud

Go to solution Solved by Jim M,

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Ya, ya, get the "who uses Firefox Mobile" out of your system, but anywho....

I have been noticing that Invision Cloud as a fairly poor loading time of Firefox Mobile. Overall it just loads around 75% and than pauses and completes a few seconds later.

This seems to be exclusively limited to the Firefox Mobile app (tested on two Android devices) and just Invision sites hosted on the Cloud system.

Not sure if I am just unlucky, but tried of two devices and cleared the browsers out with the same results.  It affects my own sites and Invision' community here that I assume is hosted on their cloud.

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14 minutes ago, Jim M said:

I'm afraid, only the default browser on the device is currently supported. For Android, this would be Chrome. I would suggest using Chrome and letting us know if you still have issues.

It works perfectly fine in Chrome and even Edge, but wasn't sure if it was known that it is poor with FF across the board.

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