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Contact Us using Departments

Cowboy Denny

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Hello...  I know I had this setup before without using another plugin that I have to pay every year for where if someone click Contact Us, they have a choice of Departments to choose from.

Now when I setup Contact Us in ACP you have to pick a department that the Contact Us goes to.  I can possibly understand this as a need but I should also be able to click multiple departments and if multiple departments are selected a dropdown is presented to user.

 I have my departments setup

Could contain: File, Page, Text, Webpage

When I try and setup the Contact Form to show Departments I have to select A department which means no departments are ever shown to the user and I know I use to have this feature setup where a user would select what department to send the request to.

Could contain: File, Page, Text, Webpage

Since you have to select a department you get the boring

Could contain: Page, Text, White Board, File

Could someone help me figure out what I am missing?  I know I had this ability before without spending money every year.


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18 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

You select a department to create support request, as you can see in your own screenshot, not to user choose.

Thanks Adriano..  I know that I had this feature before where someone submitting a Contact Us could select what Department and when you selected what Department you could have Custom Fields attached to that Department.

Example: DJ Consulting I would have Date of Event to help look for availability since currently Invision Community doesn't have a way to check for availability on certain date & time.  Downfall to using IPS vs Wordpress which has this feature x10 but I'm all in with IPS but get jealous with some Wordpress features.

I see you offer this ability Adriano in a software solution you supply in Marketplace but I don't really want to spend $30 the first year and $10 every year after that just to allow a user to select a department via Contact Us which seems it should be built in feature.

Thought the Forms app would of worked but it doesn't either.

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37 minutes ago, Cowboy Denny said:

Thanks Adriano..  I know that I had this feature before where someone submitting a Contact Us could select what Department and when you selected what Department you could have Custom Fields attached to that Department.

Believe you may be thinking of support requests rather than the contact us form. The contact us form has always just been what you see now.

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10 minutes ago, Jim M said:

Believe you may be thinking of support requests rather than the contact us form. The contact us form has always just been what you see now.

Thanks for the response Jim...  I thought for sure that I had Contact Us setup to send to Support Request which is why we got the option for which Department when you click Contact Us.  I guess I'm going crazy (which might be due to these Genius Mushrooms).

So what I'm hearing is this isn't possible without paying someone for an app to make it happen.  It is what it is...

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1 minute ago, Cowboy Denny said:

So what I'm hearing is this isn't possible without paying someone for an app to make it happen.  It is what it is...

I mean, anything is possible with custom development, it's just going to be how much do you value this to what you're going to pay for it. You would need to contact a third party provider for further info. 

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