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Attachments Searchable?

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I had an interesting question from a member of ours, he was asking why his attachments are not searchable. We understand you can go to "My Attachments" and filter and sort, but if you perform a search query in the search bar, it will not appear.

If he names his image "widget_repro" and uploads it to a topic. And if he does a search for "widget" it will not show up. Is this because our images folder on our server is secured? Why can't a member search for an image they uploaded?

Thanks for the schooling!

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@Marc Stridgen, do you have a page location that breaks down the difference between the cloud platform and self hosted? Like a column of sorts with checks marked off displaying what one gets with self hosted, and one gets with cloud hosted. Thank sir

I see this at: https://invisioncommunity.com/buy

But it doesn't really show the difference between cloud and self hosted.

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There isnt really, however as far as the software is concerned, it's the same other than the following, which are part of the cloud service

  • Real time whos viewing
  • Real time whos typing
  • Live topics (coming soon)
  • Video Encoding (Coming February)
  • AI Image Moderation
  • AI Image Object Tagging
  • Real time Trending and Historical

The cloud platform itself however, also means

  • You dont have to deal with hosting
  • Our back end platform is always kept up to date with things such as PHP versions etc. 
  • You get access to all applications on our creator and above plans

In short, you think about your site, and we think about the rest.

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