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One licence or two?

Carole Asselin
Go to solution Solved by Jim M,

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I have already installed the core of Invision and the gallery. Now, I want to install the forum and it asks me for a licence. However, it won't take the one I have. What am I missing? 

Do I need an additional licence? Or is it a different one from the initial installation and if so, where is it? I did purchase both, the gallery and the forum already.

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All our applications need to live in the same installation, it sounds like maybe you uploaded a fresh set of files to a new place and therefore are attempting to install a new?

If you are attempting to upload the Forums application files this would need to be done over your existing installation, not a new one.

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You would first need to install all applications which you want to migrate data for. Therefore, if you do not have Forums yet installed on your installation, you would need to do so in the installation which you have on your domain in the "gallery" folder.

Once all applications have been installed, you then can follow this guide to perform your migration: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/getting-started/migrating-from-another-platform/installing-the-converters-r209/

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31 minutes ago, Carole Asselin said:

OK so , since I already installed the gallery under domain.com/gallery, do I need to install something else to have the forum part on domain.com/forum?

I know I installed the gallery before the forum, which seems a little atypical. Hopefully, I didn't shoot myself in the foot by doing so?

As you installed in a folder on your server called “gallery”, that will be the base URL of your community (yourdomain.com/gallery). In your current installation, the current forum application would be at yourdomain.com/gallery/forums.

If this is not what you want, you would need to move your whole installation to something more suitable for your use. 

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Hum... I had asked before and thought I could end up with domain.com/gallery for the gallery and domain.com/forum for the forum part instead of having both under a single section with then sub-sections. Isn't that possible? Will I automatically have a section called domain.com/[generic name] before getting /gallery and /forum?

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6 minutes ago, Carole Asselin said:

Hum... I had asked before and thought I could end up with domain.com/gallery for the gallery and domain.com/forum for the forum part instead of having both under a single section with then sub-sections. Isn't that possible? Will I automatically have a section called domain.com/[generic name] before getting /gallery and /forum?

Sorry, that is not true. As mentioned in that topic, you will need to put your installation at the root if you wish for the application FURLs to take hold and get something like yourdomain.com/gallery and yourdomain.com/forums

Here is the solution in that topic which we described what we mentioned here:


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2 minutes ago, Carole Asselin said:

Oh ok. so, if anything, I could do (for example) domain.com/invision/gallery and domain.com/invision/forum but I cannot have JUST domain.com/forum and domain.com/gallery (which is what I was hoping to have in the first place).

The software would need to live in the same folder so whatever you want to name that folder which makes sense for your usage you can do.

It looks like you do have something at your root domain so you would not be able to put the software there unless you were to remove that.

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Just now, Jim M said:

The software would need to live in the same folder so whatever you want to name that folder which makes sense for your usage you can do.

It looks like you do have something at your root domain so you would not be able to put the software there unless you were to remove that.

So I might as well keep the /gallery/ part? and have /gallery/forum in the end to add the forum?

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20 minutes ago, Carole Asselin said:

So I might as well keep the /gallery/ part? and have /gallery/forum in the end to add the forum?

That is your call. The forums URL would be built added virtually by the software, no need to do anything on your end. 

10 minutes ago, Carole Asselin said:

And if end up with domain.com/[invision]/gallery and domain.com/[invision]/forum, what will I have to do to adjust all the links already in place in the domain.com/gallery ? Or does it even make sense?

You would simply update the base URL in the configuration file, clear cache, and then update your license URL. We have a guide to cover that if you do. 

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Great to hear!

You may find the initial setting up of your community a bit of a process, but I promise it will be worth it in the long run!

After I set up a community, I tend to not go back to most settings in the AdminCP ever again unless I specifically need to make a change or adjustment. Invision Community is very different to bbPress and provides a ton of functionality that you may not be used to, but definitely take a little bit of time in your spare time to read up on what different settings do and you'll be a pro at it in no time. You'll soon get used to finding exactly what you need pretty quickly, and we are here to hear any suggestions you have that may improve the overall user experience. Our Help Guides are also available to give you an introduction to our product/s should you need it.

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I find that the help guides are only good for the very beginning of the setting up. After that, it is a lot of tweaking and I have never found anything helpful there. That is why I post here. I search in the guides first, but 9 times out of 10, what I need is not there.

I was lucky to have already set up my Gallery in September, so a part of the configuration was already done. 

It is also a change for my members, but so far, the response is positive as we now have some functionalities they were asking for in bbpress (like the reactions), so they are happy so far. Some of the tweaks are due to the fact that I see the forum as an admin, and they don't so sometimes, they don't see the same thing I see, and I don't know!

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We will always be here to help you resolve things as they come up. I know I don't have to remind you but do use the search functionality on our forum in case it has been mentioned and resolved before.

That is definitely a hurdle too. I have used the majority of forum software, some well-known and others not so much, and have moved from one to another numerous times too. Your community will adapt to the changes, as most times it was actually suggested by them in the first place.

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