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Report system (again!) not working properly - no notifications send


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Dear IPS support,

I have reported a bug in context of the reporting system 2 versions ago:

With the latest version (4.7.5) the reporting system is again broken!
No notifications (emails) are sent in case a new report is created.

The IPS code crashes while preparing the notifications.
The root cause of the crash can be found in this line.

...\system\Content\Content.php, line 1865

Could contain: Plot, Chart, Text

The member needs to be "constructed from data" for the "canView" call.
Unfortunately, the member is constructed only 2 lines below.

This line of code was introduced with IPS 4.7.5 without testing it sufficiently. 😞

Adapting the code in this way fixes the issue.

Could contain: Plot, Chart, Page, Text



I'm sorry to say that the last IPS versions were very buggy and caused a lot of effort on my end to analyze the problems!

I am not sure if these monthly releases (continous delivery) are so good for quality and stability.
Please think about adequate measures and bring back the quality of previous IPS versions!


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Patch was missing, the code you have changed is exactly what I did too.

Could contain: Plot, Chart, Paper, Text


But nevertheless, how can it be that such versions are released?
It's not the first time that versions with such "simple" bugs are released?

What about testing and quality management at IPS?

This kind of bugs can be easily found during development time.

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11 hours ago, derpunker said:

Patch was missing, the code you have changed is exactly what I did too.

Could contain: Plot, Chart, Paper, Text


But nevertheless, how can it be that such versions are released?
It's not the first time that versions with such "simple" bugs are released?

What about testing and quality management at IPS?

This kind of bugs can be easily found during development time.

Unfortunately this is simply not how development works. You will not find any software that does not accidentally introduce bugs on changes. Its simply not possible. Microsoft, apple, google and more, all release hundreds of fixes every release.

As a prime example, the last release of windows, my taskbar had all icons pushed to the left. These have thousands of testers, and millions of people testing the beta. Its simple nature of the game, and we fix important issues like these as quickly as possible

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5 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Unfortunately this is simply not how development works. You will not find any software that does not accidentally introduce bugs on changes.

That's true. But it's just noticeable that so many bugs have been released lately with IPS and especially with the reporting system.

With over 15 years of experience in software development, I can tell you that debbugging this newly introduced code line once would have shown the error immediately.


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