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Upgrade to 4.7.3 and not to 4.7.4, and keep PHP7.4 for now

Mario Antunes

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I've tried upgrading PHP to 8.0 last September and ran into multiple issues with plugins not working, so reverted back to PHP7.4 and got it working again.

But I've missed the 4.7.3 October update and want to install that and not 4.7.4 before I get into another issue with PHP8, most plugins got updated to be ready for PHP8 but not all yet.

Is there a way to get the IPS upgrade to 4.7.3 from AdminCP and not do a 4.7.4 right now?

The AdminCP wont let me choose between versions, it just want to update to the latest. From ClientArea I can also download just the latest.


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Understandable to not support older versions, however changing the prerequisite for 4.7.4 to PHP8 demands site owners to upgrade, which some sites (ours included) cannot due to plugin (in-)compatibility.
While most plugins are ready for PHP8, some are (still) not.

Our site is just one update behind, so I think we will manage. But not having a 4.7.3 version available for download seems counterproductive i.m.o. Why not give site owners the option to at least upgrade to 4.7.3 until all is ready for PHP8?

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12 hours ago, Mario Antunes said:

Understandable to not support older versions, however changing the prerequisite for 4.7.4 to PHP8 demands site owners to upgrade, which some sites (ours included) cannot due to plugin (in-)compatibility.
While most plugins are ready for PHP8, some are (still) not.

Our site is just one update behind, so I think we will manage. But not having a 4.7.3 version available for download seems counterproductive i.m.o. Why not give site owners the option to at least upgrade to 4.7.3 until all is ready for PHP8?

We have never done it this way. We have only ever had the latest release available for download, as we do not want for people to be installing versions known to have bugs, and it means people then doing things like adding security flaws to their site intentionally. As mentioned above, in this example, PHP itself is no longer providing security fixes after this month for any PHP 7 version. So for this very reason, we would indeed push PHP 8. 

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