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forum in subdirectory and IP.Content on root (homepage)


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On old 3.4 version it was very simple to install IP.Content on homepage, when forum was installed in subdirectory. But now at v4.5 version i cannot figure it out how to do it. Is there any way around to use Page application for root homepage as it was in the old version ?

Any information in this direction is much appreaciated!


Edited by mark2012
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1 minute ago, Randy Calvert said:

Why are you trying to install it in a sub folder at all?  Just install it in the root.  You’re asking for trouble and a rob of unsupported complexities otherwise. 

the place where i have installed the forum was in /forum directory 14 years ago. And now i cannot get simply move it to location root. And planning to change the script im using on homepage (actually a wordpress) with IP.Content (actual Page app) to be connected with the forum.

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