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Can I Force a background process to run?


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Ok, I did delete 2 groups and moved members to other groups but there was 1 group with 12 members...I clicked delete and it just wiped the group out without asking where to move members.  For the most part, I think it is OK but I may have members in the wrong groups based on post count and VIP donations.

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1 minute ago, RocketFoot said:

I clicked delete and it just wiped the group out without asking where to move members.

This would indicate that this group was used as a secondary group and thus no move was required.


1 minute ago, RocketFoot said:

For the most part, I think it is OK but I may have members in the wrong groups based on post count and VIP donations.

I would advise checking your Group Promotions, likely something is configured there incorrectly or will need to ensure your VIP donations group are marked to not move individuals from that group if you want them to stay there.

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