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Using VPN causes issues


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I don't have a specific error right now, but I have noticed that I have errors in the Admin CP if I am using my VPN (Proton VPN). I'll get blank pages. The first time it happened it stopped in the middle of an upgrade and I couldn't get back in to restart it. If I disconnect from the VPN, then things start working again.

So is there an official stance on VPN use? I haven't had any issues on the front end, so I'm hoping our users don't have problems (I haven't received any complaints). Does this happen with all VPNs? If I am on a shared wifi (say, if I'm traveling), I want to connect through the VPN for security reasons. Is this something that can be resolved or will it be persistent?


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I don't know if related or not but two days ago a user reported that when signing into the site, they are getting a 403 page 'Generated by Cloudfront.' User additionally states that if they pause their VPN, they can get past the login and if unpausing it, they can function on site as normal. They also stated that this has been going on for about a week maybe longer.

FYI, I upgraded to 4.7.1 on August 31st.

Edited by My Sharona
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