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Html in Extra field dont work

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Why not just choose the URL option for member profile fields? As mentioned by @opentype, the field value itself will not render HTML and will escape it, as seen in your post.

Just now, Julien Costes said:

Could contain: Text


It's Extra Field in all app. In Panel Admin

You would need to utilize some custom formatting for this based on their selection. You would not be able to insert HTML as a selection value.

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Because this :

Could contain: Text, Page

I have hundreds of choices. Some are links, others are not.
It's not like in a profile or want to put just one link.

I need to choose among this hundred choices.
I want a multiple choice list, and that we can put a link if we want.


Users must not write HTML code, and it is a waste of time ^^'


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How to make it complicated when it is a simple feature on 10 years old sites that I use.. ^^'

This solution is not good for me I cannot have two list separates, if a website becomes dead I delete the link.

If I change the list a dead website, it will necessarily be deleted from the sheets where it was before. I cannot waste my time adding it every time wherever it has disappeared

It's not possible to add a new Field type ? Where can I make this ?

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11 minutes ago, Julien Costes said:

How to make it complicated when it is a simple feature on 10 years old sites that I use.. ^^'

What we perform is best practice to sanitizing data for output. You do not want to allow HTML being rendered in your form fields as this will open you open to several vulnerabilities. We only allow this in specific areas, unfortunately, this is not one of them. To get what you're after, this would require customization or using a custom formatting for output. Both of which, I'm afraid, is outside our scope of support so I will move this to our Community Support forum so you can obtain assistance from other clients.

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