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Just now, drawncodes said:

The thing is, even if we install plugins from marketplace we still get that error.

You would need to troubleshoot the error then, I'm afraid. An Internal Server Error is very much like the check engine light on your car. It says something is wrong but not exactly what or where. You would need to get the server error log entry for the issue and resolve any server-based error there. We can take a peak at the error but if it is not related to our core software, I'm afraid, it would be outside our scope of support.

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1 minute ago, Jim M said:

You would need to troubleshoot the error then, I'm afraid. An Internal Server Error is very much like the check engine light on your car. It says something is wrong but not exactly what or where. You would need to get the server error log entry for the issue and resolve any server-based error there. We can take a peak at the error but if it is not related to our core software, I'm afraid, it would be outside our scope of support.

Okay. I understand, if you wanna take a peak and maybe find something it would be nice. After that we will see what to do after.

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1 minute ago, drawncodes said:

Okay. I understand, if you wanna take a peak and maybe find something it would be nice. After that we will see what to do after.

Believe there is a misunderstanding. You or your hosting provider would need to provide us the server error log entry. 

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On 9/10/2022 at 6:54 PM, Jim M said:

The given issue there would be an incompatibility with PHP 8 and your theme/plugin. You would need to work with the respected authors to resolve it, I'm afraid.

Ok. Understood, but I've tried to install a lot of plugins / applications even from marketplace, this problem cannot be fixed at all? I mean...... Or if there is a ips version downgrade, we will even do that....

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2 hours ago, dndarknight said:

Ok. Understood, but I've tried to install a lot of plugins / applications even from marketplace, this problem cannot be fixed at all? I mean...... Or if there is a ips version downgrade, we will even do that....

Unfortunately, this is not an issue with Invision Community but rather PHP 8 and your third party plugins. You will want to ensure you're using plugins compatible with PHP 8, if you run PHP 8 on your server. You could certainly downgrade PHP to 7.4 and see if that helps resolve your issue here. However, the server error log entries we were provided point to PHP 8 incompatibilities in the third party plugin. If you want to use PHP 8 and that plugin, you will need to work with the author on, third party plugins are outside our scope of support.

At time of testing this, I only saw 1 custom plugin installed. The above information is only based on what information was tested and error log entries provided to us. If you tried other plugins, which the author says are compatible with PHP 8 and you're still having issues, you would want to disable the plugin which is not working and try with that compatible plugin only enable. If you're having issues, please let us know and we can also take a look.

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On 9/17/2022 at 4:43 PM, Musika said:

In my case with php 8.0 it won't work, but with php 8.1 it does well.

I already tried 8.1 but it's not working either, 7.4 is not working. The page isn't loading at all, 7.1 it's working but the same error "Couldn't get avbl. blocklist" or smth like that. 
I don't know what to do. I don't really want to go in deeper cuz I don't have the time for that but I could. I have something in mind but If that still doesn't work.. That's it I give up.

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I'm afraid that this new update isn't such usefull.. Because we are forced now to move on php 8.0.0 in order to for things to work out. My clients are updateing their invisioncommunity version every single time when there is a new one, I told them to wait, to take it easy... Only after 2, 3 or even 4 updates to updat their version, now they are crying to me that the plugins aren't working... 

Here is a little recommendation from my side:
1. Try adding "Who Was Online" by defalut in your packages and to make them to work with every update you make... Same for "General Statistics", "Group Name Indicator"... This are some of the plugins you can do it directly into our invisionsuite package instalation. So we will not have this problem anymore..

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On 9/24/2022 at 7:38 PM, drawncodes said:

I'm afraid that this new update isn't such usefull.. Because we are forced now to move on php 8.0.0 in order to for things to work out. My clients are updateing their invisioncommunity version every single time when there is a new one, I told them to wait, to take it easy... Only after 2, 3 or even 4 updates to updat their version, now they are crying to me that the plugins aren't working... 

Just so that you are aware here, PHP 7 will actually not be supported for security updates at all after November. So unfortunately its not really a choice we have here.

With those plugins, please post in our suggestions forum if you wish to see these as new additions to the platform

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  • 3 months later...
15 minutes ago, dndarknight said:

it's been a 3months and I still haven't managed to solve this error...even if I run the php 8.0 version😕
I think the best method is to reinstall...

It has been some time since we have received an update on this and where you are. However, keep in mind, if the issue is with the third-party plugin, a new installation will not assist you. If you uninstall the third party plugins/applications, do the native blocks in our software work? 

If there are issues presenting themselves still with a 500 Internal Server Error, you will need to bring this to the third party author for assistance.

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Acum 22 de ore, Jim M a spus:

A trecut ceva timp de când am primit o actualizare despre acest lucru și despre locul în care vă aflați. Cu toate acestea, re achiziționați că, dacă problema este cu terță parte, o nouă instalați nu vă va ajuta. Dacă dezinstalați pluginurile/aplicațiile terțelor părți, funcționează blocurile native din software-ul nostru? 

Dacă există probleme care se prezintă în continuare cu o eroare internă de server 500, va trebui să aduceți acest autorului terță parte pentru asistență.

Asa ca am eliminat absolut fiecare plugin existent si am incercat unul cate unul, am sunat si niste prieteni si din pacate nici ei nu au putut rezolva nimic.
Am incercat si cu php 7.4 / 8.0 / 8.1.
ps Eroare 500 nu este


Ar putea conține: fișier, pagină web, monitor, hardware pentru computer, ecran, hardware, electronică

Edited by dndarknight
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1 minute ago, dndarknight said:

So I removed absolutely every existing plugin and tried one by one, I also called some friends and unfortunately they couldn't solve anything either.
I also tried with php 7.5 / 8.0 / 8.1.
p.s Error 500 is not


Could contain: File, Webpage, Monitor, Computer Hardware, Screen, Hardware, Electronics

You will want to check your browser console for errors. This would indicate whether or not the Javascript being used here is encountering a 500 Internal Server Error when making the AJAX request to gather this data. 

Please also note that Invision Community 4.7.4 and above will require PHP 8.0 or 8.1 at this time. 

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@Jim M he definitely has some errors with JS even on that template, I already told them about it. The thing is that I've tried a lot of things to fix that, but It's not working. There is definitely (x2) something in the back-end part of the web.

If he uninstalls all the plugins, that error goes away, which is great. But even if we try to install plugins from marketplace for 4.7.4 it doesn't work. Now I don't know, I didn't have a lot of time to look into that problem, but when I updated their IPS Version a few months ago to a newer one they had a lot of problems with the database, I think I stayed up for like 5 hours that night to fix the database, even the owner of the web told me that more than 5 people tried to update it and they couldn't, but somehow I managed to fix their database.

I don't like to say something that is worng, but I think they might have this problem from the database ?!

Edited by drawncodes
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1 hour ago, Jim M said:

Would recommend trying on an unmodified theme if the theme is presenting other issues but as mentioned, you will want to watch out for the 500 Internal Server Error as they will provide you with the issue you're encountering.

I tried on an unmodified theme already, I will get in touch with @dndarknightand I'm going to try to fix the 500 Internal Server Error, if I dont succsed I will come back with an reply.

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On 12/29/2022 at 11:07 PM, drawncodes said:

I tried on an unmodified theme already, I will get in touch with @dndarknightand I'm going to try to fix the 500 Internal Server Error, if I dont succsed I will come back with an reply.

If there is an internal server error, the best course of action would be to get the contents of that error from your server, as that may tell you what is going on there

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On 1/3/2023 at 9:27 AM, Marc Stridgen said:

If there is an internal server error, the best course of action would be to get the contents of that error from your server, as that may tell you what is going on there

I m afraid I couldn't get in touch with @dndarknight, I wrote him and he never responded back, he left me on seen 😑. He is on his own.

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