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During install im getting something of strange...


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there no message coming. just during installing its switch to white page and he just put TABLE mysql and nothing else.


i will try with php 7.4 lol first time i were angry with hosting because i was thinking the problem was some setting on shared hosting lol, but as i hear now its not. so i bought a dedicate server and had same issue lol

Edited by GHTheBoss
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also another question why pass salt is empity ?

     trying to do auth login for my software which is dev in c++ but for old version of IPB i was doing

this is from 2013

function user_auth($name, $pass)
   global $forum_prefix;

   if(!($result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".mysql_real_escape_string($forum_prefix)."_members WHERE name = '".mysql_real_escape_string($name)."'")))

   if(  mysql_numrows($result)>=1 )
           if( md5(md5(mysql_result($result,0,"members_pass_salt")).md5($pass)) == mysql_result($result,0,"members_pass_hash") ) 
        return true;
        return false;


how about new one ?

$test = "GHTheBoss";

   $Result = $dbconnection->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_core_members WHERE name = '".$test ."'"); 
   if ( $Result->num_rows >=1 )

$PW = "testing";

             $Password  = crypt($PW, "$2y$10$");
              die( $Password);

this wont work because i can't read any pass salt

Could contain: Text, Page

Edited by GHTheBoss
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