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Cannot install 4.7 on PHP 8.x+


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I've had some strange problems with install of IPB 4.7 on my test site.  Absolutely clean install of 4.7, but the installation process craps out in the middle at exactly the same spot (after the core DB tables and apps are installed, and when the "settings" installation begins) when PHP on the site is set to either 8.0.21 or 8.1.8.

After some experimentation, the only way I could get the installation to complete successfully was by bumping PHP back down to 7.4.3.

And just for the record: all the pre-flight server requirements were in the green.

Just letting the Invision folks know!

Edited by LiquidFractal
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Argh...sorry for the repeated messages on this thread - I'd edit the previous posts but my time ran out.

ADDENDUM: I'm working with 4.7.1, not 4.7, so just to be clear my problems above were with IPB 4.7.1 (the newest bleeding-edge update).  Perhaps an admin could update the post title at least in the interests of clarity and accuracy?

After downgrading PHP, installation seems to be all right; I've just bumped the site back up to PHP 8.1.8, however, and am poking around the new install - everything seems cool so far...

Edited by LiquidFractal
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