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Redirect / 404 management

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Hello - Searched around for this and found some older plugins (4.6) but nothing current. I'd like to have:

 - A list of 404's that are occuring, with manual redirection I provide
 - Enter direct folder or other URLs to redirect

For example, I would like /forums/ which was my old URL to redirect to the homepage.
Also, I'd like popular deep links to have a means of redirecting to the correct content.

My overall issue is my old URL structure was a "vBulletin Addon" for SEO optimization, and any conversion was unlikely to know that URL conversion. Roughly 20% of my incoming traffic right now is 404.

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The above works *sometimes* but seems to fail more often than not, presumably due to how regex parses the incoming URL. So I'm still curious if there are other solutions or if I should just hand-write some JavaScript to be executed in the head (if that's even possible).

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